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What Is the Dream Job of  Gen Z in Bulgaria?

What Is the Dream Job of Gen Z in Bulgaria?

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.09.2023 17:31

From IT specialists, psychotherapists, through the sphere of arts with design and the world of sports with boxing – the dream job of Gen Z can vary dramatically, while desires for professional development can be in diverse directions.

They can be divided into several groups. Studies show that many young people are targeting careers in programming, web design, software development and technology as they are part of the everyday life of Gen Z.

What Is the Dream Job of Gen Z in Bulgaria?

Studies show that many young people are targeting careers in programming, web design, software development and technology as they are part of the everyday life of Gen Z.

However, creative professions are not lagging behind. Gen Z is always interested in creative and expressive professions such as graphic design, video production, music and art- social networks such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram are to be blamed for this, especially for video processing and image editing, as well as making creative content for educational or entertainment purposes.

There is a great interest in entrepreneurship and setting up your own business. Representatives of Gen Z are looking for opportunities to start their own bussines to gain their financial freedom and independence.

A study in the UK this year, for example, shows that interest in social care and a career in healthcare is far greater than social networking. According to this survey, only after healthcare and social care comes the desire to develop in creative industries, followed by sports, animal protection, and most surprisingly, the desire to develop in the IT sector is in the last place. Of course, the results of different studies vary and often have dynamic indicators.

Many Gen Z individuals aspire to careers in education, training and mentoring where they can share their knowledge and influence the future of others.

There is also great interest in the sphere of health and aesthetic beauty - including careers in sports, mental health and beauty services.

For Gen Z, pay remains the leading factor, but they also consider team and work environment as important factors to be taken into consideration that even good pay cannot compensate for the other two.


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