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What does the draft law on voluntary military service entails

What does the draft law on voluntary military service entails. How much money will young people who want to join the army receive

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.02.2024 16:35

The draft law on voluntary military service includes training for up to four months, with the costs covered by the Ministry of National Defense (MApN), said official sources from the ministry to Agerpres on February 7.

As per these sources, this training format will not serve as a substitute for volunteering as a reservist, but rather will "supplement it as a separate form of training".

The initiative entails willingly participating in a fundamental military training program, which extends for a maximum of four months, as a volunteer in the military service. By introducing this concept, the sources indicate an intention to increase the quantity and quality of the mobilization reserve, which has gradually decreased due to the suspension of mandatory military service in peacetime.

According to the legislative proposal, during the implementation of the basic military training program, volunteer military servicemen will receive free accommodation, equipment and food entitlements, medical assistance and medications, as well as a monthly allowance similar to that of military servicemen with the rank of a soldier, and they will be subject to the provisions of military laws and regulations.

Upon completion of the training program, they will receive an allowance equivalent to three average gross salaries used for the budgeting of state social insurance for the year in which the payment is made. They will then be recorded and included in the operational reserve by military centers.

Romanian citizens who, after the adoption of the normative act, perform military service as voluntary military servicemen "could represent a significant source to supplement the mobilization reserve of the Romanian Army".

Simultaneously, sources assert that the Ministry of National Defense has no plans and has not contemplated the option of implementing compulsory military training; instead, they are focusing solely on voluntary-based solutions.

The Defense Staff has launched an initiative to revise and enhance Law no. 446/2006 concerning the preparation of the population for defense. This initiative proposes the introduction of a new approach to fulfilling active military service, allowing Romanian citizens, both men and women, aged between 18 and 35, residing permanently in Romania, who are eligible and willing to undergo military training, to participate as volunteers in the military service.

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