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Vodka squeeze pouches sold in chain stores spark public outrage

Vodka squeeze pouches sold in chain stores spark public outrage in Poland

Image source: © Press Release
Weronika Paliczka,
01.10.2024 11:30

The manufacturer of alcohol packaged in squeeze pouches resembling children's fruit purée is facing significant scrutiny. Speaker Szymon Hołownia has taken up the issue, vowing not to "let it go." Meanwhile, Senator Anna Górska has lodged a formal appeal with the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).

Colourful plastic pouches with spout caps adorned with vibrant patterns may sound like descriptions of children's fruit purées sold in supermarkets. However, the manufacturer behind the popular Owolovo fruit products has decided to venture into the adult market. Drawing inspiration from its packaging success, its new brand, Voodoo Monkey, offers vodkas, liqueurs, and nalewkas in 100 and 200-ml squeeze pouches that closely resemble fruit purées.

Maja Staśko outraged

Activist Maja Staśko has criticised the company for its alcohol squeeze pouches, which bear a striking resemblance to children's products. Staśko discovered the company's mission statement on the Voodoo Monkey website, where the creators claim: "Voodoo Monkey's mission is to redefine the experience of drinking alcohol. Our aim is to bring you the best flavours and plenty of opportunities to smile and enjoy yourselves through unconventional design and a real explosion of flavours. We want to accompany you at every moment, whatever the occasion. We are here to add a pinch of magic and make every gathering with friends, family and every day special. At Voodoo Monkey, we believe life tastes best when accompanied by fun and unforgettable flavours. Become part of our community and join the Voodoo Monkey empire. Let's create beautiful memories together and enjoy quality at its best."

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Staśko, outraged, condemned the company for promoting alcohol consumption in a dangerously appealing format. She stated, "Vodka in pouches that resemble healthy children's juices, meant for 'every moment, whatever the occasion,' at 'any gathering,' to make 'every day special' – these people are blatantly promoting alcoholism, packaging it as an incredible adventure, art, and innovation."

Speaker Szymon Hołownia reacts

Speaker Szymon Hołownia has also addressed the controversy surrounding alcohol pouches, posting an impassioned appeal on Facebook. In the post, Hołownia speaks not only as a political figure but as a concerned father, alarmed by the potential impact on children.

The former journalist wrote: "Every parent recognises what fruit purée packaging looks like. We all know how convenient it is when embarking on a long journey or when a sudden bout of hunger brings our child to the brink of (temporary) despair. We grab them without a second thought, spotting the familiar packaging in the shop—purée looks like purée, just like a sponge looks like a sponge. But now I see something disturbing: one of the manufacturers of these healthy purées has decided to use identical packaging... for vodka, nalewka, and liqueur. And it’s being sold with what can only be described as cynical marketing nonsense about ‘boldly playing with conventions’ or ‘redefining the experience of drinking alcohol.’"

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Hołownia did not mince words about the manufacturer's intent: "The objective here is obvious. Would an adult seriously buy a ‘nip’ packaged like a child’s fruit purée? Of course not. The target is clearly children. Intrigued and drawn in by the fact that the ‘poison’ is disguised as a healthy product, they are meant to cross a dangerous line. They might buy this ‘purée’ for school, hoping the cashier doesn’t notice, or maybe get an older friend to purchase it for them. This is what the company calls ‘playing with conventions’ and ‘daring to experiment’—but it’s a deadly game, and our children are the ones at risk."

Hołownia concluded his post with a powerful message: "I write this as a father first and foremost. To the makers of these vodka pouches, what you’re doing is pure evil. If you aim to get our children drunk, why not go a step further and sell them guns? You could market it as ‘taking childhood competition to a new level of reality’—or whatever twisted slogan your marketing team dreams up. I sincerely hope karma catches up with you and your greed turns against you. I hope responsible manufacturers of children’s snacks will rise in protest and a consumer boycott shows you just how serious parents are about this issue. I won’t let this go as a Member of Parliament. Shame on you. Shame. Shame. SHAME."

Senator reports vodka in pouches to UOKiK

Senator Anna Górska of the Razem party has taken up the issue of vodka, liqueurs, and nalewkas being sold in squeeze pouches. The senator has submitted a detailed letter to the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), urging the authority to investigate the matter and consider taking steps to remove these "alco-pouches" from stores.

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According to Górska, Voodoo Monkey is misleading consumers by packaging alcohol in a way that closely resembles children's fruit purées, raising concerns about potential confusion and the risk it poses, particularly to younger consumers.

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