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Flying with medical marijuana in Poland: Do you need a permit?

Flying with medical marijuana in Poland: Do you need a special permit?

Image source: © Getty Images
Konrad SiwikKonrad Siwik,27.08.2024 20:00

In Poland, the use of medical marijuana is on the rise, prompting concerns about the safety and legality of travelling with it by plane. Bartłomiej Zalewa, also known as the Hemp Pharmacist, addresses these concerns, explaining the regulations surrounding air travel with medical cannabis.

Travelling by plane with medications, particularly medical marijuana, often leads to numerous questions. Is special documentation required? Must the drug be declared during airport security checks? Bartłomiej Zalewa provides answers in his latest video, outlining the necessary steps to prevent any complications during your journey.

Travelling by plane with medical marijuana. What documents are needed?

In Poland, the use of medical marijuana as a treatment for various conditions is steadily increasing. This trend raises the question: is it safe to travel by plane within the country with this specific medication? Bartłomiej Zalewa, known online as the Hemp Pharmacist (Polish: Konopny Farmaceuta), addresses this concern in a recent social media video, providing clear guidance.

Zalewa explains that when travelling by plane within Poland with medical cannabis, there is no need for additional documentation beyond what is typically required when purchasing the medication. Two essential documents are sufficient: a named invoice and a prescription. These documents are vital for legally transporting medical marijuana within Poland. Zalewa advises asking your pharmacist to print out these documents when you fill your prescription at the pharmacy.

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Is it necessary to declare medications at the airport?

One of the most common questions is whether it's necessary to declare the carriage of medical marijuana at the airport. Bartłomiej Zalewa offers reassurance: "You don’t need to inform anyone at the airport about the medications you’re carrying, nor do you need to remove your hand luggage from the conveyor belt during security checks. There's no need for those around you to know what you're transporting," the expert advises. This means that you can pass through airport screening without concern as long as you have the required documents.

Vaping on a plane: Is it allowed?

Bartłomiej Zalewa also addressed the issue of vaping dried medical marijuana during a flight. In another video, he clarified that vaping on an aeroplane is strictly prohibited. "Can you vape dried cannabis while flying? Absolutely not. There is a total ban on smoking, heating, vaping—anything, whether it’s weed or tobacco," the expert explains.

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Zalewa further notes that the only permissible way to consume medical cannabis during a flight is through oral drops or oil extracts. These can be purchased from a pharmacy as a ready-made product or prepared with a prescription from a specific dried cannabis product.

More and more Poles use medical marijuana

Medical cannabis is becoming increasingly popular in Poland, with the number of patients using this treatment rising steadily each month. Recent data indicates that Poles are now purchasing approximately 300 kilograms of medical marijuana per month, highlighting the growing demand for this specific medication.

Medical cannabis is known to alleviate symptoms of various conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Due to its therapeutic properties, this natural medicine is gaining traction as a treatment option for numerous ailments that traditional methods do not always effectively address.

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