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Tricks for anyone to save leftover Easter food. Romanians throw

Tricks for anyone to save leftover Easter food. Romanians throw away 2.5 million tons of food annually

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
08.05.2024 12:12

It often happens, especially during holidays, that we cook more than we can eat, and Easter is no exception, leaving many with fridges full of leftovers.

It would be a shame for the food to end up in the trash because we've wasted time, food and money. Master chefs teach us how to save some of it and advise us to make a better shopping list next time.

With a bit of imagination, we can transform an Easter dish into something new.

Laura Laurențiu, chef: "Starting with cold lamb roast, we can wrap it in a warm flatbread, drizzle it with yogurt and garlic sauce, and include a well-seasoned salad. This way, we get a kind of homemade shawarma. The colored eggs can be filled with various pastes, made into stuffed eggs, or used in salads or included in a potato gratin. As for the leftover Easter cake, I suggest a playful recipe—a cozomisu, a tiramisu with slices of cake".

Or you can use a simple trick.

Iosif Ștefănescu, chef: "These vacuum-sealing devices have emerged, which are found in supermarkets and are very helpful. Why? Because if we make a roast or a side dish, or prepare something in advance, these can be vacuum-sealed, extending their fridge life by about 7 days".

The shopping list is sacred

Lastly, the shopping list is sacred, according to chefs. This is because once everything is written down, we can realize the necessary quantities.

Iosif Ștefănescu, chef: "We're wasting our efforts when we overdo it, spending the family's money, going to the supermarket, and buying more than we need".

"- Do you usually have leftovers?

A lot!".

"- I saw the trash bin yesterday, unfortunately!

Food thrown away?

Tons! Entire bags of food!".

Recently, all sorts of tips and recipes have appeared online. They are accessible to everyone, especially since the ingredients are already in the fridge.

"How to save the leftover Easter eggs? I crushed the eggs with a fork, added a container of cottage cheese, chopped celery stalks, a bunch of dill, added 2 tablespoons of corn, mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper. I mixed all the ingredients and the salad was ready!".

According to the latest Eurostat data, Romanians throw away approximately 2.5 million tons of food annually.

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