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Radical change in Generation Z youth. There is a 48% increase in

Radical change in Generation Z youth. There is a 48% increase in the interest in private pensions and safety in old age

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
02.06.2024 20:16

Frightened by inflation and increasingly concerned about tomorrow's security, many Romanians are thinking about the age of retirement from a young age. And they are starting to contribute to Pillar 3 (the voluntary private pension system) in increasing numbers.

This also applies to the members of the so-called Generation Z, born after 1996, who become interested in voluntary pensions from the moment they start working, in addition to a good salary and free time.

More and more Romanians are thinking about private pensions, because they have less and less confidence in the public pension system. According to the Association for Privately Managed Pensions in Romania, in the first four months of this year, 10,000 more Romanians started contributing to Pillar 3 compared to the same period last year.

The monthly contribution paid by Romanians has also increased, which reached 60 million lei, twice as much as 5 years ago. Moreover, this year, young people between 18 and 28 years old who are part of Generation Z, have also become interested in voluntary private pensions.

Young person: "At some point you will need to know that you have certain resources that you can live with until the end of your life".

Ovidiu Bârsa, manager of a company providing solutions for extra-wage benefits:

"For the first time, we see a new habit of the younger generation, namely the migration of interest to private pension. There is a 48% increase compared to the previous year, which means they are also paying attention to how they spend their money or the future they would have in terms of financial security".

And a recent study shows that the top benefits preferred now by employees are private pensions.

Elena Pap, manager of a company providing solutions for extra-wage benefits:

"We have noticed that there is a trend of orientation, because there are solutions, platforms where the employer makes an amount of money available and each employee can choose their pension according to their needs".

Financial stability is important for young employees, but so is free time. And many prefer to work from home, as over 50% stated that their job stresses them out.

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