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The set of values of young people in Romania is changing

The set of values of young people in Romania is changing. "Our generation has kind of gone a bit crazy, I admit"

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.05.2024 19:53

The majority of high school students in Romania embrace left-wing values. According to a study conducted by World Vision Romania, 90% of them support a protectionist state, where individual rights are guaranteed.

Moreover, many boys believe that military service should be mandatory. Most young people who will vote for the first time this year want the state to be more involved in ensuring better living conditions. Over 90% of high school students expect the state to provide quality education and healthcare for all Romanians, regardless of income or social status, and to guarantee equal rights.

On the other hand, the same study shows that 44% of the surveyed young people believe that compulsory military service should be reintroduced.

Young man: "I think the army would discipline our generation a lot, but I don't know if I would put myself in such a situation".

Young man: "It would be something that would mature us, because our generation has kind of gone a bit crazy, I admit".

Furthermore, 40% of those surveyed believe that abortion should be allowed only if the mother's life is in danger. Lastly, 45% agree that there should be censorship online.

Young man: "It should be censored because everyone has access to the Internet. I believe that not everything should be exposed on the Internet".

Mihaela Nabar, World Vision representative: "What surprised us the most was seeing the difference between boys and girls. Boys are much more conservative, while girls are much more oriented towards respecting individual freedoms, towards liberalism, compared to boys who are more oriented towards an authoritarian state, a strong hand".

Sociologists believe that young people expect to receive more protection from the state in areas where they feel vulnerable.

Ioan Hossu, sociologist: "We are currently going through several situations with potential stress, digital transformation, war at the border, election years, economic crises. I think this study actually tells us 'attention, there are significant value changes happening among the generations of students and young people'".

The level of information among high school students regarding the roles and responsibilities of the main political functions is 4.58 points on a scale from 1 to 10. Most know what the mayor of their city and the President of Romania do.

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