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there could be 5 times more high school students learning

The number of students in dual education could increase fivefold by 2030. What advantages do students have?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
12.02.2024 15:36

By 2030, there could be 5 times more high school students learning in the dual education system.

Several agreements are established between technical high schools and auto workshops or companies, providing students with scholarships for a duration of 4 years until they complete high school.

The Ministry of Education will thus find it easier to place students who receive lower grades in the final exam of the eighth grade and will gradually restrict access to theoretical high schools.

Directors of technical high schools that already implement dual programs have been called for discussions with education leaders to create an accelerated expansion calendar for this form of education.

Marinela Culea, director of the "Cezar Nicolau" Technical High School: "They do need workers, but if they invest a lot in a child and that child deserves it, I certainly support them. We have had examples where that child also went to college".

Student: "I have decided 100% that I will start here and then continue with high school and college if I can".

Students enrolled in dual education also have the advantage of higher scholarships than their peers in traditional vocational schools. They receive 300 lei from the state and another 300 lei from the economic operator.

Student: "I receive around 600 lei scholarship because I have two scholarships. I knew absolutely nothing about mechanics before; I learned everything in high school".

The Prime Minister announced that the target is to have 50,000 places in dual education in five years. On the one hand, to meet the needs of the business environment.

On the other hand, transparency is necessary to accommodate middle school graduates with very low grades at the National Evaluation who may not meet the criteria for a theoretical high school. However, the Romanian state is obliged to offer them dual schools with qualified teachers and a solid material infrastructure.

Reporter: What grade did you get in the National Evaluation?

Student: "Around six".

Reporter: You could have enrolled in a theoretical high school.

Student: "Yes, but I wanted to learn a trade".

Three-quarters of dual profile graduates get employed as soon as they have their diploma. The salary received, plus tips, often exceeds 5,000 lei in the first year for an auto mechanic, an electrician or a plumber.

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