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Suwerenna Polska releases a scandalous video. MP suggests he will notify prosecution of a suspected criminal offence

Suwerenna Polska releases a scandalous video. MP suggests he will notify prosecution of a suspected criminal offence

Image source: © Twitter, YouTube
Jakub TyszkowskiJakub Tyszkowski,20.06.2023 12:00

Zbigniew Ziobro's party has crossed the line again. Suwerenna Polska (Sovereign Poland, SP) has published a clip on social media suggesting that it would like to shoot Koalicja Obywatelska’s (another Polish pollical party - Civic Platform) MP Franek Sterczewski. The politician is not about to let the matter go.

The autumn parliamentary elections are four months away. Meanwhile, the level of rivalry between politicians has already reached rock bottom. At the end of May, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS - the Law and Justice Party) published a spot intended to hit Donald Tusk. The problem was that the footage used shots of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

Suwerenna Polska most likely envied the PiS scandal that erupted after the publication of that video. Therefore, Zbigniew Ziobra's party has prepared a clip in which it incites against the Warsaw Equality Parade. The event promotes the ideas of equality, freedom and tolerance, but for Ziobro's party, it popularizes "depravity of children" and "rainbow Bolshevism". Surprisingly, this is not what is most shocking about the material.

Suwerenna Polska's spot aimed at Franek Sterczewski

In the video SP literally targets Koalicja Obywatelska's MP Franek Sterczewski using an excerpt from a live broadcast that the politician hosted during the Equality Parade on 17 June 2023. Sterczewski spoke about the rights of LGBTQ+ people. He stated that "Poland is unfortunately closer to Moscow" due to a number of restrictions imposed on the rainbow community.

At one point the spot is interrupted. The MP's place is then taken by actor Chuck Norris in the role of the Texas Ranger. Ennio Morricone's musical theme from the western "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is heard in the background as Norris raises a sniper rifle to his eye and takes aim at a person outside the frame. The montage suggests that the victim is to be Sterczewski.

The MP won't let this go awayZiobro's party has now removed the scandalous footage but the material has not escaped the attention of the KO MP, who intends to notify the public prosecutor's office.

"Suwerenna Polska has released a video on which a gun is pointed at me when I take my statements in support of LGBT+ people's demands. I am reporting the matter to the public prosecutor's office. I will provide more information at a press conference tomorrow at 12:00 on Kolegiacki Square. You’re all invited!" Sterczewski wrote on Twitter.

The politician has also underscored that the right-wing politicians will be held accountable after the elections: "This case as well as other actions of organised hate and all the abuses of Ziobro and the rest of the PiS government will be dealt with by an independent prosecutor's office right after the elections. We will not be intimidated! They will answer for every mischief!" - Sterczewski wrote on Twitter.

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Sterczewski on Suwerenna Polska's spot

Sterczewski was to secure the recording and attach it to a notification submitted to the prosecutor's office. In a comment given to the oko.press website, the politician stressed that Ziobro's party is manipulative, groundlessly accusing the LGBTQ+ community of depravity and attacking family values.

"If it is combined with a call to violence, the use of weapons against anyone, it becomes a crime. The prosecution should deal with it. Even if today we know how law enforcement agencies act, it is necessary to express opposition, show resistance, call it by its name," Sterczewski told oko.press.

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