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Survey by INSCOP: One million young people voting for the first

Survey by INSCOP: One million young people voting for the first time. How many believe they can be a decisive force in the June elections

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
03.06.2024 11:40

A survey conducted by INSCOP at the request of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom for Romania and Moldova reveals that 65% of the young respondents believe they represent a force that will define the election results.

Although 35% of respondents are skeptical about the participation of young people in voting, the data show an encouraging trend toward increased participation. News websites are the primary source of political information for young people, followed by Facebook.

Voting intention and motivation

58% of the young people surveyed are very sure they will participate in the elections, while 34% are undecided and only 8% state with certainty that they will not vote. The main reasons why young people decide to vote are: exercising their democratic right (43%), the desire to influence European policies (41%) and defending democracy against extremism (8%). The same hierarchy is maintained when young people are asked about their second reason for coming to vote.

Regional and demographic discrepancies

The survey highlights significant differences in voting intention based on region and gender. Young people in Bucharest-Ilfov stand out with a voting certainty of 64%, compared to only 49% in southeastern Romania. In university towns other than Bucharest, only 46% of young people are very sure that they will vote. Additionally, young women (61%) are more determined to vote than young men (56%).

Young people's interaction with politics

Young people who frequently discuss politics, either with family or friends, are more likely to participate in voting. In the past month, 7% of young people have discussed politics daily with their family, while 55% have had such discussions a few times. Regarding discussions with friends, 9% of young people have talked about politics daily, and 55% a few times.

Sources of political information

News websites are the main source of political information for young people (30% indicating them as the primary source and 16% as the secondary source), followed by Facebook (17% primary and 22% secondary) and television (18% primary and 14% secondary). YouTube is used as a primary source of information by 10% of young men, double that of young women (5%).

Level of information and awareness

Regarding information about the parties and candidates in the elections, 13% of young people consider themselves very informed, and 39% rather informed. On the other hand, 13% consider themselves rather uninformed, and 35% very little or not informed at all.

Similarly, regarding information about the voting process, 21% of young people consider themselves very informed, and 35% rather informed. 17% consider themselves rather uninformed, and 27% very little or not informed at all.

The survey was conducted by phone by INSCOP at the request of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom for Romania and Moldova, between May 18 and 28, 2024, on a sample of 603 young people aged 18 to 29, representative at the national level. The margin of error is +/- 3.9%, according to News.ro.

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