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Several volunteers have set out this summer to save Cula Crăsnar

Several volunteers have set out this summer to save Cula Crăsnaru in Gorj. The building is representative of the Oltenia region

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.08.2023 10:00

Several volunteers have set out this summer to save Cula Crăsnaru in Gorj, a landmark building for the Oltenia region with a fascinating history.

They have raised money through donations and started the roof restoration. Cula is a type of semi-fortified construction found in Balkan countries, while the one in Gorj was built in the second half of the 18th century.

Formerly an observation point and fortress during Turkish raids, Cula Crăsnaru in the village of Groșerea, Gorj, was erected over two and a half centuries ago. However, since its nationalization in 1950, it has been in continuous decay. In 2006, it was returned to private ownership, but the current owners have not yet begun the work to preserve the historic building. So, several volunteers have decided to raise a new roof that will preserve its original elements.

Volunteer: "We made a bit of a mistake here, but we'll correct it; we have no other choice right now".

Ana Budurea, volunteer: "I hand bricks, wet them, clean the tools, bring mortar and water with the crane".

Ionuț Dobra, volunteer: "We stand on scaffolding for 9 hours, all day in the sun, we put these hats on, apply sunscreen, but it's worth it".

The initiative belongs to the "Inima Olteniei" association, which has managed, with the help of funds collected from donations, to begin repairing the roof. The volunteers hope the work will be completed in the next two weeks, even though they do not yet have all the necessary funds. Afterward, the owners must take care of the complete restoration of the building.

Liana Carina Tătăranu, President of the "Inima Olteniei" Association: "It is one of the most important buildings; as you know, it is also on the UNESCO indicative list, and of course, it had to be preserved. We have wanted to restore it for a long time, but being private, the procedures took a little longer, getting the owners' approvals".

As part of the "Monument Ambulance" project, the association managed to save the Cula in Șiacu three years ago.

It is set to be fully rehabilitated by the authorities and included in the tourist circuit.

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