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Bucharest City Hall is Assisting Students

Program by Bucharest City Hall Assisting Students in Choosing Their Professional Career. Which are the benefits offered?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
06.08.2023 18:24

The City Hall of Bucharest is organizing the second edition of the "Vocația ta" (Your Vocation) program, through which students from Bucharest have free access to courses that assist them in choosing a suitable professional career.

This initiative, carried out by the Municipality of Bucharest through PROEDUS, under the coordination of the Department of Culture, Education and Tourism, aims to help students develop a general understanding of themselves and their surroundings, in order to make realistic choices in line with their abilities, skills and personal possibilities. This will support them in the process of stimulating their motivation and adopting appropriate behavior that will help them find their rightful place in society.

The program provides personalized vocational guidance and counseling services, as well as innovative educational activities

According to a statement from the Bucharest City Hall, through this program, students will receive assistance in identifying their abilities, skills and personal possibilities, for choosing a suitable career.

The educational activities offered within the program are not only aimed at students, but also at their families. Understanding students' behavioral changes and supporting them in making important decisions in their lives are essential aspects that will be addressed in the activities dedicated to the families of students.

Among the benefits offered to students are:

  • personalized vocational guidance and counseling services tailored to each student's needs, with a personalized portfolio for each student,
  • identification of skills and competences through questionnaires and tests included in the kit provided to each student,
  • innovative activities such as Living Libraries, speed psycho-pedagogical interviews and practical interactions in the "fast track to career" format,
  • special events featuring national and international speakers who will share their experiences in various fields of activity,
  • visits to economic operators and a trade fair for professions and educational offers, to provide students with a real perspective on the diversity of available professional options.

To find out more information and register, parents and students are encouraged to visit the website:


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