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How to Understand that Our Boy/Girlfriend Is Harassing Us?

How to Understand that Our Boy/Girlfriend Is Harassing Us?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
19.09.2023 14:04

Violence from our intimate partner is a form of abuse that occurs in romantic relationships by current or former partners or spouses. Violence from an intimate partner involves abusive or aggressive behavior that is intended to frighten, hurt, manipulate or control someone.

This kind of violence is considered a major global public health problem. Violence from our intimate partner can take many different forms.

We would like to present some of them to Gen Z

Sexual violence - forcing an intimate partner to participate in a sexual act without consent. Physical abuse - injury or attempted injury by hitting, pulling, pushing or choking. Emotional abuse - hurting the person's self-esteem with constant and severe insults and criticism, and isolating them from their family, relatives and friends. Psychological violence - terrorizing the person and threatening to harm him/her or his/her family.

Financial abuse - exercising control over shared finances, withholding access to money and tracking the person's spending. Preventing an intimate partner from working, studying or taking other steps and specific actions to be financially independent. Stalking - this is a pattern of behavior aiming to harass and frighten a person. Stalking can be done through repeated phone calls, sending letters, shadowing and spying.

Online - using email, social media, dating apps and other digital platforms to harass, abuse, stalk and threaten. And finally, it is important to identify violence from an intimate partner and take concrete steps to prevent it. Victims of abuse should not forget that they are not alone in this battle.


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