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How to Distinguish True Friends from False Friends

How to Distinguish True Friends from False Friends

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
07.05.2024 12:00

True friends are a huge asset and whoever has them is really lucky. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky in this regard, and there is hardly a person who has not been disappointed by fake friends.

To protect yourself from unpleasant experiences, you had better know how to distinguish true from fake friends. This largely applies to representatives of Gen Z, who do not have much experience and can easily get lost. Here are the most important signs:

1. They emit negative energy - they are not capable of support.

2. They often cancel appointments and do not keep their promises - it means they don't care about you.

3. They are jealous of you - keep them at distance.

4. They never defend you.

5. They talk behind mutual friends' backs - be sure that they do it behind your back, too.

6. They are never there for you when you need them.

7. They often find fault with you - they do not tend to show understanding.

8. They always want to be better than you – in terms of vision and the things you do.

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10. They always want you to be at their disposal - to listen to them, to spend time with them.

11. They make you feel insecure and give you complexes.

12. They like to dramatize things and thus burden you.

13. They never admit their mistakes and never apologize.

14. They always have new friends.

15. They use you - they always want something from you (service, money or borrowed things).

16. They humiliate you and often lash out at you.

17. Your ideas never meet their approval.

18. They do not want you to succeed and develop.

19. They make you feel uncomfortable.

20. They only talk about themselves and burden you with their problems, but they are not interested in you.

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