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House of Peaceful Youth seeks young male and female agents

House of Peaceful Youth seeks young male and female agents

Image source: © canva
Marta Grzeszczuk,
09.04.2024 16:00

The House of Peaceful Youth is a social initiative that aims to encourage secondary school students to participate in social activities. They have partnered with the European Commission to recruit enthusiastic young people willing to gather in Warsaw for the upcoming European Parliament elections.

The House of Peaceful Youth (Polish: Dom Spokojnej MƂodoƛci) is a flagship project initiated by the Offschool Foundation. It has been working since 2016 to promote social engagement among male and female secondary school students. The project's website provides lesson plans designed to complement the core curriculum and address often overlooked topics. These topics include mental health, social and civic engagement, and the challenges of growing up in the "post-truth" era.

Dom Spokojnej MƂodoƛci organises a meeting in Warsaw

The House of Peaceful Youth is organising meetings for secondary school students and is currently looking for representatives, called 'agents', who will promote the project in their respective cities. The next meeting, co-organised with the European Commission, is scheduled for 20 April at the Europa Experience space in Warsaw.

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The meeting's theme will be the involvement of young people in European politics, particularly in active participation in the European Parliament elections, which will be held on 9 June. In the recent local elections, the turnout among 18-29-year-olds was only 40%, and many of those studying away from their place of residence were unaware that they could vote where they lived. For example, they could document their residence with a rent contract for a flat or room.

Recruitment for the 'Gen Z Votes and Builds a Strong Europe' event continues until 10 April

You can participate in recruiting for the "Gen Z Votes and Builds a Strong Europe" event by registering here. All you have to do is to respond to the following questions:

  1. What is your vision for Poland's future in the EU?
  2. How can young people impact policy-making in Europe?
  3. Do you have any ideas on increasing voter turnout among young people in the European Parliament elections?

The deadline for submitting applications is 10 April. On 12 April, the House of Peaceful Youth will declare the recruitment results. The meeting agenda comprises workshops and group activities designed to enhance practical skills among pupils and students. They will learn how to increase engagement and awareness of policy-making and influence their peers. These skills can be taken back to their respective schools for practical implementation.

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