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From Failing First Grade to Baccalaureate Genius

From Failing First Grade to Baccalaureate Genius. The story of Marcel, the only one in his family who went to school

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
01.08.2023 16:06

He was on the verge of giving up on his studies, but he continued to hope. He failed first grade, being the only one in his family to attend school, but he excelled at the Baccalaureate exam.

He grew up in a village in Brăila County, alongside five other siblings. However, none of his family members, aside from him, ever spent an hour in school due to the need to work each day to survive.

But Marcel Mustafa's case is exemplary. Despite failing first grade, he did not abandon school and even completed 12 grades. At the Baccalaureate exam, Marcel amazed everyone: he managed to score 9.01. He is now a student at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest.

The teacher, a second mother

In an interview given to PRESShub, Marcel recounted that his parents didn't want to let him go to school, not even for a day, but eventually they gave in to his pressure.

"I ended up going to school thanks to a teacher who went from door to door to the villagers, encouraging parents to enroll their children in school. When I saw the teacher, who started asking who wanted to go to school and told us what was happening there, that there were questions being asked, I became very, very excited and ultimately I convinced my parents to enroll me. No one in my family has spent a day in school, they lack the ability to read or write", Marcel Mustafa recounted for PRESShub.

Due to the lack of money, Marcel repeated first grade. "During the initial year, I attended school for 2 months. Afterward, I had to drop out and join my parents to work in the village, in the fields. They couldn't afford to cover my expenses: school supplies, clothing and whatever I needed for school. When I was supposed to start second grade, I went to school very happy and excited because I was supposed to be in second grade. However, in reality, I didn't start second grade, I repeated first grade because of school absences", the boy from Brăila further recounted.

However, his opportunity arose with the arrival of the new teacher, who looked after him and supported him in every way possible. "Mrs. Simona Dan offered me support, bought me school supplies and stood by me when my parents didn't have the means", Marcel recalled.

According to Marcel, the teacher acted as a guiding angel, helping him learn to write, to read and even offering him psychological support.

He worked as a waiter in order to pursue his education

Although he had good grades in school, he felt a constant pressure from his family to drop out.

Marcel Mustafa: "We are 6 siblings in total, but none of them attended school. I am the only one and I have fought a very tough battle. I felt pressure from my older siblings and parents, who wanted me to drop out of school and start working, to bring money home, because we couldn't support ourselves".

Years later, Marcel moved to the city to make money in order to continue his education. He confessed that during the summer, he worked as a waiter at the seaside, which allowed him to prepay several months' rent.

"Upon leaving my village for Brăila, my parents advised me to quit school, claiming it wouldn't be beneficial. However, I made the decision to move to the city. They clearly told me that they don't have the means to support me, yet I still made that choice. During each summer, throughout the three years of trade school, I worked as a waiter at the seaside and with that money, I would pay my rent for several months in advance, using the remaining funds to support myself. I was careful about how I spent it", he added.

9.01 on the Baccalaureate Exam

"When I enrolled in trade school, I did so because of the opportunity that was given to me. Within the dual education system, I received two scholarships. One from the trade school and one from the place where I did my practical training. These funds were helping me cover my rent".

After graduating from trade school, Marcel Mustafa chose to go to Bucharest, where he enrolled in a night school: "Upon completing trade school, I expressed my desire for high school, the Baccalaureate, and university. So, I enrolled at a night school and during that time, I was working in Bucharest. From Bucharest, I commuted to Brăila even twice a week, but when I wasn't physically at school, I was online with the teachers and I want to take this opportunity to thank those who understood my situation".

Then, at the Baccalaureate exam, Marcel scored 9.01. He was also accepted to the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

Marcel Mustafa stated that his dream is to succeed in helping other children in his situation, to give a chance to those who truly want to pursue education.


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