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Danish rapper fulfilling his dream of moving to Russia gets call

Danish rapper fulfilling his dream of moving to Russia gets called to the frontlines

Image source: © SoundCloud
Maja Kozłowska,
23.08.2024 10:15

Nicklas Hoffgaard, a Danish rapper known by his stage name Stanley Most, achieved his dream of moving to Russia in 2023. However, his expectations soon clashed with the reality of his new life.

The grass always seems greener on the other side. Many Poles dream of relocating to Italy, Spain, or the south of France, but the benefits of staying in their home country often prevail when weighing the pros and cons.

Deciding to move abroad is a significant step that should be carefully considered and thoroughly researched. Without proper preparation, you may face unexpected challenges such as costly healthcare, the absence of house heating, or even compulsory military service, as evidenced by a Danish rapper moving to Russia.

He dreamt of living in Russia. He was sorely mistaken

We have previously covered stories of individuals who, in a bold move, abandoned their former lives to relocate to Russia voluntarily. This choice is undoubtedly intriguing, especially considering that, since the aggression against Ukraine, Putin's regime has faced widespread global criticism.

However, the barrage of negative media coverage was not enough to deter 33-year-old Danish rapper Nicklas Hoffgaard, known by his stage name Stanley Most, from pursuing a similar path. He moved to Russia last year, but now he is beginning to face the severe consequences of that decision.

Danish rapper living in Russia sent to the frontlines

The rapper decided to move to Russia due to what he perceived as a "worsening political climate" in Europe. Initially, Hoffgaard was welcomed with open arms, received a residence card, and even applied for Russian citizenship. However, reality soon caught up with him. In an effort to expedite the official processes, the Dane signed a contract with the Ministry of Defence, hoping to secure a military assignment of his choice—either as a border guard in Siberia or as an English translator.

Unfortunately, his hopes were dashed. By January 2024, Hoffgaard found himself at the centre of the fighting, serving in a Luhansk subdivision. The rapper reported that fellow soldiers in his unit were coercing him into drinking vodka and accusing him of spying for the US and Denmark. Unhappy with the conditions and the requirement to actively participate in combat, he sought to withdraw from his contract with the Ministry of Defence. His lawyer argued that Hoffgaard was unaware of what he was signing, as the document was in Russian.

The case eventually went to court. Initially, his withdrawal application was rejected but later accepted upon appeal. The final decision regarding the Danish rapper's fate now lies with a Military Court in Novosibirsk.

Source: Mediazona

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