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You are Talking to Yourself? Scientists Give Explanation Why

You are Talking to Yourself? Scientists Give Explanation Why

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
13.05.2024 20:00

In some circumstances, you may feel uncomfortable if you are caught talking to yourself. It can make you look like you have lost your mind. How many times have we looked for your keys and asked ourselves"Where are my keys?" Saying these words out loudly helps us find them because it reminds us of what we are looking for and keeps us focused. And this is just one example.

In the following paragraphs, we will talk about why we can talk to ourselves. Speaking out loudly is a continuation of an internal dialogue. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky suggested speaking loudly when we first learn to speak aloud to ourselves, our speech and thoughts are not connected. Then inner speech emerges and our thoughts become verbal sentences. Once we learn to arrange our thoughts in a speech, we no longer tend to do so very often.

There are many reasons why talking out can be beneficial for adults. Some reasons for "personal speech" are language practice, learning, and social skills. Audio learners tend to repeat directions back to the person who gave them so that they can remember.

It helps a lot to remember something when we read it out loud rather than our inner voice. It can help us concentrate depending on what we are saying. If people use their speech to guide their actions, it improves their performance on tasks by helping them remember what they need to do.

There are also advantages to talking to yourself. In this way, you can increase your confidence and motivation.

Talking to yourself in the third person leads to self-distancing, which can reduce the anxiety of a person.

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