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Recommended number of step

Here’s the recommended number of steps you should take a day to improve your cardiovascular system and stimulate "happy" hormone production

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Redakcja Vibez,
08.08.2023 13:48

Everybody knows that walking instead of using a car or other means of transportation is good for the environment. And yet not many people realize that an active lifestyle guarantees well-being and protection against diseases. In order to find out the benefits of daily walking, how to prepare for it, and the number of daily steps, we talked to kinesiotherapist and healthy lifestyle promoter Beatrice Simukauskiene.

What is the health benefit of daily walking?

Walking is vital for humans, it is our natural inherent form of movement. Daily walking improves the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, decreases fatigue, contributes to the strengthening of the immune system, and lowers blood sugar levels. It must be stressed that walking also improves mental well-being: decreases psychological tension and anxiety and promotes the production of endorphins, the so-called "happy hormones".

How many steps one should take a day? Maybe too many steps can have a negative effect on health?

According to various research, adults should aim for 8,000 steps a day to remain healthy. To get the most out of this activity, your walking should be brisk, not slow.

A woman residing in Vilnius is participating in a step challenge and sometimes walks 50,000–60,000 steps a day. Isn’t this too much?

50,000–60,000 steps a day is fine, if the body is ready for it. Obviously, every case is different, but if a person’s muscles have been properly trained, the joints are mobile, the spine is healthy and gets exercise, such a number of steps will do no harm.

Which is better for health: continuous brisk walking to get the recommended number of steps in one go or several walking sessions?

Actually, there’s no one definitive answer. The better method is the one you find more enjoyable and doable given the daily schedule. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), humans need at least 300 minutes of movement a week – that’s only five hours. So, for example, one hour a day can be divided into 3 x 20 minute walks or 2 x 30 minute walks.

Should older people decrease the number of steps?

Age is not a limiting factor if a person feels well, their heart is healthy, there’s no pain and no chronic diseases. On the other hand, the intensity of physical activities should be increased gradually, instead of suddenly starting heavy training, especially if you had been inactive before. Another thing to note is that for older people it is also important to strengthen muscles – do muscle-strengthening exercises to decrease the risk of falling and prevent age-related loss of muscle mass and strength and bone density.

For the most effective walking, follow these key tips from Simukauskiene:

* When walking, it is imperative to activate your abdominal and gluteal muscles to get the most benefits and prevent damage to the body. By utilizing these muscles, you will prevent back pain and feel great even during long walks. I work with hikers who walk 50 and even 70 kilometres a day, and, having learned to use these muscles, they now have a much better experience.

* When walking myself, I notice that people, especially the elderly, choose the wrong type of shoes for this activity which fit very snugly around the foot and have a narrow front. Proper footwear is very important: your shoes should have a wide front and enough room for the toes, and the foot’s position should be as natural as possible.

* When going for a walk, try using your shoulders and arms. You should be moving your arms actively. Nordic walking poles might help.

Author: Deimantė Marčiulaitytė

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