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Are you time-poor?

The recipe for happiness is to have more leisure time

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
24.06.2023 14:31

Happiness is not measured in more money, but in more free time. Just the time you spend with your family, more time with friends, more time for ourselves, not more time for work.

Time is one of the most precious resources we have in life. For example, imagine that you eat 100 times a month, sleep thousands of hours, but in your entire life you only have 70-80 (if you're lucky and a little more) summers and Christmases. Do you want to spend this "boutique" time doing things that are valuable to you? Or do you want to work on Christmas holidays for double pay?

People invest too much of their time and energy in earning more money, often believing that it will bring them greater happiness. An absolute mistake. The happiest are those who can have their own time and those who have more free time. Believe it or not, when you are snowed under with work, you are neither more productive nor more profitable, just more tired.


This is a new term used for people who live stressed under the influence of too much work and not enough time to complete it. However, work never ends and this is a well-known fact. A study by Gallup US Daily Poll shows interesting data - in 2011, 70% percent of working Americans said that they "never had enough time", and by 2018, this number had increased to 80%.

How to free up time and boost our mood?

First, you have to prioritize the things that bring you joy - eating something delicious like pizza or burgers, a peaceful walk with a friend, a movie, reading a good book, a bar, a disco, time with your boy/girlfriend. At the same time, minimize the nonsense that only drags your mood down - cleaning the house, long commute to work, draining study and work commitments. This stuff is not for Gen Z :)

We need to be aware how valuable our time is and how big our role is in its proper allocation - how many hours to spend on work and how many on more pleasant and relaxing activities. So, immediately check how many days off you have left by the end of the year and request a vacation right away from your boss.

Here are five quick tips to help you enjoy both your work and personal time

1. Prioritize important work when you have something to do and avoid distractions and interruptions. This way, you will check off the tasks faster and you will not hang in front of the computer or at work more than the necessary time.

2. Insist on extending the deadline when you see that working on a project is more than your time.

3. However, don't try to have too much fun - don't force yourself to go to the cinema, read your new book and end it with a disco in one day. There is time for everything, so take it easy.

4. Use your vacation and don't put it off for next year.

5. Enjoy your free time. Learn to value it and don't take it for granted.

Source: www.vbox7.com

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