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Mortalcio announces recording hiatus on Instagram broadcast chan

Mortalcio announces recording hiatus on Instagram broadcast channel

Image source: © Mortalcio / Instagram
Natalia Witulska,
22.08.2024 14:30

Patryk ‘Mortalcio’ Baran shared a significant update with his followers through his Instagram broadcast channel. The influencer announced his decision to take a break from recording and publishing videos on YouTube, prioritising his mental health.

Patryk Baran, known online as Mortalcio, is an influencer, YouTuber, and aspiring musician. He has been active on social media for many years, but his rise to fame and the following opportunities came when he joined Karol ‘Friz’ Wiśniewski's project, Genzie. Currently, he operates independently, creating content for his personal YouTube channel. However, he recently informed his viewers that he will take a break to prioritise his well-being.

Mental health is undeniably one of the most crucial aspects of a person's life. It is essential to care for it, as neglecting it can make daily responsibilities feel overwhelming. This is exactly what Mortalcio is experiencing, as he shared with his audience on his broadcast channel. He confessed that he has taken on too much, both mentally and emotionally, and as a result, he needs to step back from YouTube for a while.

Mortalcio on YouTube recording hiatus

Patryk Baran has never hidden his struggles with mental health. It is well-known that the influencer suffers from thanatophobia, an intense fear of death. He has frequently shared on social media how overwhelming this fear can be, along with his experiences of panic attacks. Baran has consistently encouraged his followers to take care of themselves, not to be ashamed of their struggles, and to seek professional help when needed. On Wednesday, 21 August, Mortalcio revealed that he was once again facing difficulties and needed to take a break.

"Hey guys, things have been terrible with me lately, as you've seen in some videos. I've taken on too much, plus a few things have come up in my personal life that I need to address. So, for my own good, I decided to take a break earlier. I could have kept producing weak videos one after another, but as you can see, that makes no sense. There will be a few more videos coming up—I don't know until when—but I hope you'll wait for me to come back when I've sorted everything out," Mortalcio wrote on his Instagram broadcast channel.

It is important to remember that mental health challenges, breakdowns, or crises are not something to be ashamed of. If you need help or wish to speak with a specialist who will listen, do not hesitate to call 800 70 2222, a toll-free, 24-hour support line for those in mental crisis.

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