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Depression is a serious medical condition

A treacherous disease of our time affecting rising numbers of young people: how to identify its symptoms and to seek help in time

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.01.2024 07:00

Depression is a serious medical condition. Unfortunately, its prevalence is increasing among young people. In an interview with psychologist Asta Blandė, Delfi asked why this particular age group is becoming more susceptible to depression and what kind of help and assistance they require.

The courage to speak up about mental health issues

Even though knowledge and information are equally accessible to everybody, it is observed that representatives of the so-called Gen Z tend to be more interested in mental health issues and are more inclined to report such struggles. The psychologist explained why this could be the case.

"I think that today's youth is capable of acknowledging the importance of emotions and the severity of challenges that they present. Young people are rather brave in sharing their mental health struggles lest they as well as the whole topic should carelessly be dismissed," said Blandė.

Such an attitude can be very significant.

"From what I have observed, young people are ready to discuss not just depression but also other mental health issues. By doing so, they are able to gather the strength to acknowledge their situation, seek help, and overcome the feeling of being different or abnormal," explained the psychologist.

According to Blandė, young people's inclination to talk about mental health challenges and to seek help when it is needed provides grounds for optimism.

"In my opinion, young people's readiness to openly confront mental health issues plays a crucial role in encouraging their parents to face the situation," said the psychologist.

Signs and symptoms of depression

Despite the profound interest in mental health issues, depression can occasionally be mistaken for certain mood swings that do not necessarily indicate serious emotional conditions.

"Young people who are not professionals but actively share their insights with peers on social media and read lots of online publications often gather huge amounts of intricate information. Consequently, they may attribute more symptoms to themselves than they should. It should be noted that the tendency to misdiagnose the actual condition is not limited to mental health cases," said Blandė.

To avoid such a scenario, young people should understand what emotions and symptoms should make them worried about their condition.

"Attention should be drawn to such indicators as changes in eating and sleep patterns that can interfere with one's ability to take proper care of oneself. Another crucial factor is the motivation to engage in activities. One should ask themselves if they are able to complete the tasks they are obligated to or have chosen to do. When a person falls into depression, they tend to withdraw socially and neglect self-care. It's as if their emotions slowly disappear before our very eyes," explained Blandė.

When and how to seek professional help for depression?

Depression is a multifaceted mental disorder that can result in long-lasting consequences. To reduce the impact of its effects, it is important to timely identify the problem and promptly seek help. According to Blandė, sometimes professional help may be the only option, but often, the support of loved ones can be sufficient.

"When symptoms are only starting to emerge and when a person is rather mindful and surrounded by individuals that are close to him or her, the support that comes from the immediate social environment can be rather effective. However, in some cases, these resources may not be enough, and professional help becomes the only viable option," emphasized the psychologist.

Choosing the right therapist is another crucial step in combating depression. This choice is generally influenced by personal beliefs and inclinations.

"It's important to consider personal expectations and seek recommendations. Above all, one shouldn't be afraid to switch therapists if trust and connection cannot be established," suggested Blandė.

The psychologist also revealed how the problem-solving process unfolds during a session with a professional. Judging from what she said, there is definitely nothing to be afraid of.

"Professional therapists never judge their clients. They always show empathy and are motivated to help. Thus, the anxiety may stem from being unsure about how to discuss one's emotional state. However, it's important for clients to feel a connection with their therapist and believe that therapy can be successful. It may take some time for this feeling to develop," said Blandė.

Parents should also pay attention

Young people are sometimes incapable of acknowledging that the emotional ups and downs that they experience can lead to serious mental health issues. Therefore, the parents' role is very important. According to Blandė, parents should definitely pay attention to certain indicators.

"Parents should pay attention to certain changes, manifesting themselves through behavior, emotional reactions, and motivation. Occasionally, as a condition worsens, teenagers can become emotionally withdrawn from others. If this is the case, parents should try to talk to their children and figure out what's going on. If all their efforts to do so are in vain, professional support should be sought," said Blandė.

In fact, parents are often the first ones who turn to professionals when their children face problems that are typical of their age.

"This is especially true when speaking about young adolescents. Their emotional well-being often becomes a concern for their parents. Older teens and youngsters are usually able to realize their needs and may find a therapist on their own," the psychologist noted.

Take proper care of your emotional well-being and don't be afraid to seek professional assistance. Don’t stay indifferent when seeing that someone else might need professional support. Sometimes small but courageous steps can be extremely valuable for you and those around you.

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