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Pope Francis has again used a derogatory term against homosexual

Pope Francis has again used a derogatory term against homosexuals, for which he had previously apologized. "There's a gay air in the Vatican"

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Materiały Prasowe,
12.06.2024 15:06

Pope Francis has again used an extremely derogatory term against homosexuals, for which he had already apologized last month, the ANSA news agency reported. "There's a gay air in the Vatican", the pope commented on June 11th.

The Italian press has again attributed to the pope the use of the Italian vulgar term "frogaccine", which translates roughly to "faggotry" (a negative, derogatory and highly offensive term towards gay people - ed.), on May 20, during a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops, CNN writes.

According to ANSA, Pope Francis repeated the term on June 11th when he met with Roman priests, saying that "there is a gay air in the Vatican" and that it was better for young people with homosexual tendencies not to be allowed into the seminary.

Asked about the latest incident, the Vatican press office referred to a statement it issued regarding Tuesday's meeting with the priests, in which the pope reiterated the need to welcome gay people into the Church and the need for caution regarding seminarians.

Following the initial news about the use of the word, the newspaper Corriere della Sera cited unnamed bishops who were in the room suggesting that the pope, as an Argentinian, might not have realized that the Italian term he used is offensive.

Observers believe Pope Francis undermines his authority gained through openness to LGBTQ

Last month, a source close to Pope Francis told CNN that the expression could also be understood to mean that there is a "gay climate" in seminaries.

In 2005, the Vatican decided that the church cannot permit the ordination of men who are actively gay or have "deep-seated" homosexual tendencies. In 2016, Pope Francis upheld this decision.

Two years later, he told Italian bishops not to accept homosexual candidates for the priesthood. Pope Francis, 87, has been recognized for making significant strides towards the LGBTQ community during his 11-year papacy.

Some Vatican observers say his recent missteps undermine his authority and raise questions about his convictions and the path of reform he envisions for the Church.

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