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What does it mean to be a drag queen?

Flamboyant, eccentric and charming – these are the Drag Queens!

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
22.06.2023 13:34

What does it mean exactly to be a drag queen?

What does it mean exactly to be a drag queen? Here we go:

Basically, it is about a man who gets dressed, puts on make-up and completely theatrically gets into the image of a woman and does something of a kind of performance. These performances are staggering and memorable, most often musical or in the form of funny sketches.

It is important to highlight that there is not one "type" of drag queen, but most often they do performances and comedy shows. And everyone of Gen Z knows that. And did you know that queens also touch on serious topics like equal rights and even political issues?

Interestingly, most of the community may be gay, but not necessarily – many queens identify themselves as heterosexual. Most drag queens do not want to be physically women – during the day they are men, and only for the performances they choose interesting artistic pseudonyms - drag names, and address themselves as "she".

Hungry — Germany

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Bluhydrangea - Ireland

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Cookie Kunty - France

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Tamara Mascara — Austria

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GHŌST — Germany

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Ariel Rec — Spain

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Ivy-Elyse Monroe — The Netherlands

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