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Another "LGBT-free zone" ceases to exist. The reason? Money, of course

Image source: © canva
Oliwia Ruta,
02.12.2023 15:45

The Świdnik district, which adopted the first anti-LGBT resolution in Poland, has now rescinded the document. This is a bright light in the tunnel of queerphobic propaganda.

The first "LGBT-free zone" was established in the Świdnik district. In 2019, councillor Radosław Brzózka led the proceedings to pass the controversial resolution. Brzózka is a close associate of the conservative Minister of Science and Education Przemyslaw Czarnek, who probably influenced the council president's decision. Unfortunately, other communes, districts and even some voivodeships followed suit. Fortunately, the situation is slowly improving.

Councillors fed up with anti-LGBT regulation

"LGBT-free zones" had their supporters as evidenced by a large number of councillors echoing the right-wing propaganda in their opinions on the matter. On the other hand, some local government representatives, intolerant of the anti-LGBT regulations, also came to the floor.

A sizable group of people disagreed with the "'installation' of lighthouse keepers or 'political correctness officers' in schools, the entry into schools of 'scorners interested in the early sexualisation of Polish children' and 'homopropaganda' in selected professions and pressure on entrepreneurs" (sic). The discriminatory regulations contributed to non-awarding some of the fundings from the European Union.

It was the fear of losing more of the EU money that forced councillors supporting "LGBT-free zones" to reconsider their approach. Politicians began to speak out about the delicate situation the district has found itself in. However, most of them stood by their convictions. Councillor Brzózka fervently argued that the 2019 regulation contained some "pertinent insights". The Świdnik district councillor was also convinced of the falsehood of the statements promoted by critics of the district’s "LGBT-free zone".

Fight for freedom

Thanks to continuous attempts to repeal the 2019 regulation, more freedom has finally been won. Admittedly, a perfect ordinance is still a long way off, but this is a good first step. At the last session held on 24 October, the councillors accepted the Law and Justice Party's (Polish: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, right-wing political party) conditions, as earlier demands had been repeatedly rejected.

The Świdnik District Council expresses its opposition to actions appearing in the public sphere that violate fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in acts of international law, question the values protected in the Polish Constitution, and interfere with the autonomy of religious communities.

- an excerpt from the document repealing the 2019 regulation

The new document does not address "the issue of LGBT+, homopropaganda, lighthouse keepers or the sexualisation of children". A positive effect of the law is also the elimination of most "LGBT-free zones" in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The only exceptions are the communes of Kock and Radzyń Podlaski.

Source: Jawny Lublin

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