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A Survey Shows if There Is Racism in Bulgaria

A Survey Shows if There Is Racism in Bulgaria

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
09.05.2024 11:48

Racism is a social problem that exists worldwide and affects millions of people. It is based on the idea that some races are better or more trustworthy than others and manifests itself through discrimination, bias and violence against people of certain ethnic groups.

Gen Z should know that historically racism has been the cause of many conflicts and violence.

Just two days ago, on 9 November, we celebrated the International Day Against Racism. Namely, due to that occasion, vbox7 asked in its survey - Is There Racism in Bulgaria?

Unfortunately, according to the respondents, it is clearly not just a myth, but a reality in our country as well.

"It has always been and it will always be," said a girl.

The respondents do not deny that racism is manifested in a different way in Bulgaria.

They are adamant that there is a negative attitude towards the Roma, black people in our community and refugees, and this is demonstrated with a rude attitude.

What is the situation in other countries compared to Bulgaria?

As we have already mentioned above, racism is a worldwide problem.

" It is present in Italy, but it is less because people have more communication with different races," said a girl in the survey.

How can this be improved in Bulgaria?

Surely, with common efforts and desire, things in Bulgaria can become better.

According to the participants in the survey, it can change if programs are implemented where different people of different races and generations can participate and they talk about their country and race. As well as by giving more publicity to campaigns about racism.

"We all need to know that no one chooses what nationality to be and what skin color to have, and first of all, we should be humans,"adamantly said one of the interviewed girls, and we completely agree with her.

Let us know what do you think
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