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Why should you cycle to work starting TODAY?

Why should you cycle to work starting TODAY?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.05.2023 18:48

Do you know that there are more bicycles than people in Amsterdam? About 811 thousand inhabitants of the city own nearly 880 thousand bicycles. We think that Amsterdam is one of the cities that should be an example to others. Masses of people in other countries use their car or motorbike to go to work.

Ride a bike whenever possible! This is our message. Cycling has many benefits that should encourage you to choose a bicycle more often. Five of them are crucial and we would like to highlight them at this stage.

Reduction in air pollution

Changing our bad habits will make us be kinder to nature. If we choose to ride a bike, we will reduce air pollution. We get into our car at least twice a day - when we go to work and when we get home. The number can be even higher if we pick up our kids from school or go to the store. Cycling uses a minimal amount of fossil fuels. It offers a pollution-free mode of transport.

No burning of non-renewable fuels

In 2019 alone, the US consumed about 20.5 million barrels of petrol per day. The two most commonly used types of oil are diesel and gas. Can you imagine the amount of oil we use a day now? Fortunately, cyclists are making a big contribution to reducing oil consumption. The whole planet earth would benefit from this.

No more problems with parking

Every car driver knows what it feels like to get stuck in a traffic jam. You often start to lose your temper. Here is another positive impact of cycling - the number of accidents will probably decrease because drivers will not be so impatient.

More, people who live in cities know how annoying it can be to hear traffic noise early in the morning that may disturb their sleep. Living in such an environment can cause some psychological and health problems. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

No more need to destroy nature

Many families in the world have only one car. The average number of vehicles per household in the US is 1.88, meaning some families have more than one.

If the number of cars on roads starts to increase, new roads have to be constructed. Then, green areas will be sacrificed. Why should we replace parks with streets? If we ride a bike, there will be more green areas.

Improvement in our personal health

The environmental benefits of cycling are now clear. However, one can also get personal benefits. Cycling is often associated with better physical health. This habit improves mental and emotional health, too. It improves your balance and posture, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, strength and overall mood. Cycling gives you a chance to be in the nature in the fresh air.

In conclusion, we can say that cycling is a healthy and environmentally-friendly activity. And it is also much more affordable than driving a car.


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