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Why returnable PET bottles are rejected by machines?

Why returnable PET bottles are rejected by machines? How to recover your packaging deposit

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
15.07.2024 17:04

The Deposit-Return System (SGR) is increasingly used by Romanians; however, the machines where recyclable waste such as bottles are deposited still present some issues.

Many people encounter the problem of machines rejecting empty returnable bottles.

How does the Deposit-Return System work

Starting in 2024, Romania has implemented the first labels with the "Deposit-Return System" (SGR) logo.

Currently, every plastic bottle, aluminum can or glass bottle you buy should display the SGR logo on its packaging.

With each purchase, consumers essentially pay a 50 bani deposit for products carrying this logo.

It is important to note that products without this logo may still be on the market. These are not subject to the deposit and, therefore, their packaging cannot be returned to store machines.

There are specific criteria to meet when returning containers. The packaging must be returned intact, not degraded or deformed. It must be emptied, and the barcode should be visible.

To identify marked containers, look for the SGR logo. After emptying the packaging, it can be returned at a waste collection point. Customers will receive the deposit amount paid initially in the form of a collection voucher, which shows the total accumulated amount.

The machine scans the barcode on the returned container and issues a receipt that customers can use later. All you need to do is go to the store's checkout to recover your deposit.

This way, all packaging collected at SGR return points will be introduced into a circular economy, subsequently transformed into new packaging that can be reused.

By 2025, 77% of PET bottles placed on the market should be collected, a target set at the European level.

Reasons why empty returnable bottles are rejected by machines

Not all packaging will be accepted by SGR collection machines, only those meeting mandatory criteria. Many people have complained that the collection machines they use are defective. However, in most cases, the problem lies with the packaging.

The first condition is that the packaging must be intact and not broken or deformed. Deformed packaging, whether plastic bottles, aluminum cans or glass bottles, will not be recognized by the collection machines and thus will not be accepted.

The second condition is that the bottles must be completely emptied. Inadequate bottle weight represents a problem. Containers that are not fully emptied may be rejected because their weight does not match the preset weight by the RVM (Reverse Vending Machine). Therefore, do not throw trash into bottles and try to empty them completely before recycling.

Additionally, only packaging with the deposit mark will be recognized by the collection equipment. Packaging that does not have a visible and readable SGR label will not be accepted by the machine.

Sometimes, the RVMs may reach their collection capacity. This causes the machines to reject the packaging. In these cases, the issue can be addressed by the SGR administrator through more efficient collection management.

However, the most common situations are those where collection machines either do not recognize the packaging or have already reached their collection capacity.

The operation of collection machines is dependent on their settings and ensuring that their storage spaces for collected packaging are not full, writes

Regarding the operational parameters of these machines, they are set based on the size of the packaging, the materials from which they are made, and the presence of the SGR mark. Therefore, a deformed package will most likely not be recognized by the RVM and, consequently, will not be accepted.

The same situation occurs if the packaging has not been emptied. The machine will determine that its weight does not match the preset weight and will not collect the packaging.

If the packaging meets all the SGR criteria and is still rejected, contact the retailer to clarify the situation.

How to recover your packaging deposit

According to Government Decision 1.074/2021, stores are required to offer consumers the option to return SGR packaging and refund the deposit at any return point in Romania. Thus, stores must accept packaging even if the collection machines are defective.

According to this measure, which regulates the deposit-return system, registered retailers are obliged to accept SGR packaging and return the corresponding deposit, except in cases where the packaging is damaged (crushed, broken, pressed), contains leftover drink, or the label is damaged so that the SGR mark is no longer readable.

Therefore, to avoid having empty returnable bottles rejected, make sure they are intact, completely emptied, and have a visible SGR label. According to an ongoing government decision, stores will be required to manually accept returnable bottles and packaging if machines are not working and to provide the value of PET bottles at the checkout.

Environment Minister Mircea Fechet has stated that in cases where machines are defective, retailers must manually accept the packaging brought by people.

To ensure you get your money back for the packaging, you should keep a few tips in mind.

First, make sure that the packaging is intact. The bottles should not be deformed, crushed or broken. Therefore, it's best to store the bottles properly. For instance, you can use a shelf, a closet or simply a bag or box to store the bottles until you’re ready to take them for recycling. Avoid pressing on the bottles when stacking them on top of each other, as this can alter their shape.

Secondly, you need to ensure that the containers are completely emptied. But beware! Washing the packaging is not necessary. This may damage the label or reduce the readability of SGR marks. Also, bottles with trash inside will not be accepted by the machines.

Thirdly, you should check the label before returning a container. Ensure that the SGR label is visible and readable before returning a package.

If a machine rejects a package, try returning it to another collection machine. If the returnable bottle machines are not functioning, registered retailers must manually accept the packaging brought by people.

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