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New fish species have appeared in the Black Sea. Marine biologis

New fish species have appeared in the Black Sea. Marine biologists have identified 185 species

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.11.2023 14:17

The Black Sea is becoming more lively. New species of life, previously rare or nonexistent, have started to multiply.

Cleaner water and climate changes have brought migratory shoals from the Mediterranean, such as gilthead seabream and red mullet, a fish of high commercial value. Experts say our coastline is becoming, offshore, a more complex ecosystem than it was 30-40 years ago.

New fish species in the Black Sea

For almost four years, various fish have entered our waters through the Bosporus, more than a quarter of a century ago, say biologists from the "Grigore Antipa" Institute of Marine Research in Constanța. This includes the sea raven or red mullet, which was previously encountered very rarely in Romanian coastal waters.

Florin Timofte, director of National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanța: "These are species that have started to appear frequently in recent times, originating from the Mediterranean, which have begun to find favorable conditions in our area".

Spectacular images of stingrays were captured this summer by divers, very close to the area near the Casino. Indications suggest that populations have grown following a period when this fish was inadvertently captured in the nets of fishermen. At least ten tons of stingrays were illegally sold on the black market. In restaurants, a serving was sold for 120 lei last year.

Adrian Bâlbă, marine biologist: "Shoals of gilthead seabream were filmed and photographed, right here near us".

Sorin Mănăilă, President of ROMFISH Federation: "We also catch species that have never been caught before, such as gilthead seabream and sand sole".

Florin Timofte, director of National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Constanța: "We see these effects of climate change, which have led to the extension of the warm water season and allowed the establishment of populations".

Species that have multiplied

Sea horses, threatened in Romania 20-30 years ago, have multiplied after years of absence. Here's a newcomer to the Black Sea - the blue crab.

Beautiful dolphins, key creatures for the Black Sea ecosystem, are struggling to survive in a less favorable context—the war in Ukraine. The sonar of warships affects their echolocation.

And hundreds of jellyfish, large and small, have invaded the coastline these days. These are specimens of the species Rizostoma pulmo, which come here from the Mediterranean Sea.

Some marine animals complete their life cycle here, on the shore.

In the gulf of Saturn resort, waves have brought hundreds of jellyfish. A stunning bluish carpet has emerged along the entire coastline.

If studies in the '80s showed that the Black Sea had 166 species of marine fish, of which six were acclimatized, recent research by biologists from the Black Sea Commission has identified 185 species. 15 have been acclimatized in the last ten years.

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