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How to safely aid a common swift found on the ground?

How to safely aid a common swift found on the ground?

Image source: © Ptaki w Polsce / Facebook
Weronika Paliczka,
03.06.2024 10:30

With the arrival of warmer months, the breeding season begins, with young birds from various species leaving their nests and birdhouses each day. As fledglings start to fly, their risk of injury or death increases. What can we do to assist these young and slightly older birds?

People from all over the world come together in front of their screens to watch live broadcasts. The reason behind this is the start of the breeding season, during which cameras are positioned in nests and birdboxes to livestream the lives of birds 24/7. In Poland, the falcons living in Lublin are incredibly popular, and the live broadcasts of their lives are often compared to a Brazilian soap opera. Cameras are also placed in the nests of storks, among others.

How to help fledglings?

During the breeding season, young birds are learning to fly, and sometimes they have accidents and crash to the ground. If you find an injured bird, it's best to carefully put it in a box or other container and take it to a nearby veterinary clinic or wildlife centre. In Poland, there are over 70 places dedicated to helping injured animals from forests, cities, lakes, fields, meadows, and the sea.

Found a common swift is lying on the ground? Pick it up and let it fly

Common swifts are small birds that feed on insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and beetles. In Poland, they can be found everywhere, especially in large cities. In the eastern part of the country and the Mazury region, common swifts inhabit old forests and build nests in cliffs or nesting boxes created especially for them.

They are migratory birds, but young swifts with underdeveloped wings are unable to take flight from the ground, which can lead to certain death if they fall. To help these birds, wildlife activists advise gently placing a swift on your hand and walking a few meters with it to encourage it to take flight. If the bird does not fly away, it may be injured and require veterinary intervention.

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