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How to report violence against fish? Otwarte Klatki Association educates

How to report violence against fish? Otwarte Klatki Association educates

Image source: © canva
Weronika Paliczka,
13.12.2023 16:15

The pre-Christmas period has begun, and millions of Poles are buying carp. With an increase in sales, the risk of abuse also rises. If you witness violence against the fish, the Otwarte Klatki Association has some tips on what to do.

Carp, a freshwater fish, has been a traditional dish served during Christmas in many countries for centuries. However, in Poland, this tradition has been taken to a whole new level, where carp is also considered a delicacy and a symbol of good fortune. Despite the popularity of this tradition and the live carp trade being legal in Poland, some animal rights foundations, such as Otwarte Klatki, are campaigning against it, stating that the live fish are often kept in inhumane conditions before being sold and slaughtered.

What to look out for when buying carp?

If you're buying carp, it's essential to be aware of some warning signs. Check the water level in the tank and look out for overcrowding. Also, examine the fish's body for any damage. Minor damage may be due to transport, but more significant wounds could cause concern.

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It's also important to consider how the fish are sold. If a seller puts a live fish into a plastic bag or catches it by the gills, this is considered violent and should be reported. Carp should only be sold in containers filled with water. If you witness any mistreatment of live carp, call the police.

What should you do before calling the police?

If there is a chance that a crime has been committed, the police are required to come. According to the Animal Welfare Act, violence against carp and other fish sold alive is considered a crime. Article 6, paragraph 10, states that keeping animals in inappropriate housing conditions, neglecting them, or keeping them in enclosures or cages that prevent them from maintaining their natural position is an offence. Additionally, paragraph 18 of the same article refers to live fish transportation or selling it without sufficient respiration water as a crime.

Animal abuse is a serious crime that is prosecuted automatically. If you witness an act of animal abuse, it is important to collect evidence in the form of photos and videos and to find witnesses who also saw the incident. When the police arrive, they will need to take down the details of the suspected offender. To help with the investigation, the police will want to take statements and get any evidence you collected.

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