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Climate activists strike Beksiński exhibition. Hands glued to canvas

Climate activists strike Beksiński exhibition. Hands glued to canvas

Image source: © ArtOfBeksinski / X
Marta Grzeszczuk,
08.11.2023 14:15

Activists from Extinction Rebellion glued themselves next to Zdzisław Beksiński's paintings at the opening of the exhibition in Wrocław. What did they want to achieve with this gesture?

Activists from the Wrocław branch of Extinction Rebellion Youth organised a protest at the opening of the Zdzisław Beksiński exhibition on 4 November. Two people in black danced, two more stuck their hands to the canvas next to the painting. Security guards managed to interrupt the spray-painting of the word "katastrofa" (English: "catastrophe") under the painting.

Exctinction Rebellion at the Beksiński exhibition

Those organising the protest explained the dancers dressed in black symbolised "widows mourning extinction". Extinction Rebellion is an international movement protesting against politicians' inaction towards climate change. Extinction Rebellion Youth is a branch of the organisation for people under the age of 30.

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"We want to involve the world of culture and art in the fight for climate, because we can't win it alone. Beksiński's catastrophic visions, especially regarding drought, death, famine, wars, are part of the future that we fear," the activists explained.

The protest continued until the police arrived at the scene.

"There was no damage done to the paintings. The protesting ladies did not offend anyone. We are now going to establish what, if any, material damage was caused by the hands being peeled off the canvas," commented Wojciech Jabłoński of the Wrocław Municipal Police Station in a statement for wroclaw.pl website.

Source: wroclaw.pl

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