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Buying on sale and being eco-friendly: Is it possible?

Buying on sale and being eco-friendly: Is it possible?

Image source: Β© canva
Anna RusakAnna Rusak,14.12.2023 11:00

Are you wondering how to shop during winter promotions without feeling guilty? We have some tips to share with you.

If you have read our articles on fashion and clothing, you know that we usually advise against buying from chain stores due to the negative impact of fast fashion on the planet. However, we understand that sales can be tempting.

So, how can we responsibly take advantage of these promotions? It is possible, but you should keep a few things in mind. Read on to find out how to shop on sale without compromising your values.

Winter Sales Wardrobe Check-Up

Before online shopping, it is important to check your wardrobe and create a list of the things you need. For instance, you may need a pair of pyjamas or a jacket for spring. Perhaps your shoes recently fell apart, or you have holes in your shirts. If any of these damaged items can be repaired, it is worth considering getting them fixed by tailors or cobblers. Waiting for the winter sales to use their services is unnecessary. Repairs can be done even if you want to reuse items you were not using before.

If you have something that needs repair or you need to buy something new, try looking for second-hand options first. You can check out vintage shops, use apps like Vinted, or even search through old wardrobes in attics or your grandma's house. You should consider looking at sales only after exploring these options and still not finding what you need.

Buying from chain stores is not necessarily bad, as long as you do it smartly and not too often. Sometimes, it is better to purchase one good quality item from a chain store that you will wear frequently than to buy a dozen items from a low-quality store that you will wear only once or twice. Shopping should not make you feel guilty; even eco-minded individuals can use chain stores just as they can eat Kinder Chocolate.

What's worth buying on sale?

I suggest focusing on the basics if you're uncertain about what to buy during a sale. You purchase these items not because they're trendy but because they are long-lasting. Some examples include quality T-shirts, trousers, jackets, and jumpers.

However, when purchasing jumpers, it's essential to be careful. Most jumpers in chain stores are typically made of polyester and acrylic, which are not ideal materials. It's possible to find jumpers made from wool and cashmere but keep in mind that their manufacture often involves a lot of animal suffering. Therefore, it's worth reconsidering purchasing them.

Setting a budget before shopping during a sale is also a good idea. This can help prevent you from buying items that you don't really need. Remember that during winter sales, less is more, and this rule can be applied to any purchase.

When shopping during a sale, pay attention to the quality of the clothes. Check if they're well-stitched, if any tags are sticking out, and if the material is sturdy. Avoid buying clothes made of polyester, acrylic, or any plastic fabrics that resemble thin tissue paper. These materials will quickly lose their shape and colour after the first wash.

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