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African ticks are now found in Poland: Should we be concerned?

African ticks are now found in Poland: Should we be concerned?

Image source: © canva
Weronika Paliczka,
06.08.2024 11:01

Arachnid experts are issuing warnings as more cases of African ticks, carriers of dangerous diseases including viral hemorrhagic fevers, are reported in Poland. Should we be concerned?

Global warming manifests itself in many ways: melting glaciers, fires, droughts, and a rise in the Earth's overall temperature. This temperature change also alters the areas where various plant and animal species that previously appeared only in steppes, deserts, or prairies start to appear. While their presence is sometimes harmless, in other cases, it can be dangerous to humans.

African ticks found in Poland

Polish scientists specialising in parasitic diseases warn of the emergence of the Hyalomma tick in Poland. These African ticks arrive in Europe attached to their hosts, typically birds. Why should you be cautious of these arachnids? They transmit several dangerous diseases, including hemorrhagic fever, which has a mortality rate of up to 60%. There is currently no drug or vaccine for this disease.

Migratory ticks have been present in Poland for almost 50 years

Is the presence of Hyalomma ticks solely a modern problem? YouTuber Venomous Art explains that these ticks were present in Poland as early as 1979. This is confirmed by the scientific paper "Hyalomma marginatum Koch, 1844 (Acarina: Ixodidae) in Poland - An Example of Transport of Exogenous Ticks by Migratory Birds," authored by Krzysztof Siuda and Jacek Dutkiewicz. Since then, migratory ticks have periodically appeared in Poland, but scientists have clearly stated that these instances are due to ticks travelling on birds, not from the formation of stable populations of this arachnid species in Poland.

A second scientific paper confirming the presence of migratory ticks in Poland was published in 2010. The current concern over Hyalomma marginatum arises from scientists' efforts to ensure that these dangerous arachnids do not establish natural populations in Poland. While worry about tick-borne diseases is justified, it is important to remember that the issue of their presence in Poland is not new.

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