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Activists interrupt archbishop’s mass in Turin. Extinction Rebellion strikes again

Activists interrupt archbishop’s mass in Turin. Extinction Rebellion strikes again

Image source: © Extinction Rebellion
Weronika Paliczka,
05.12.2023 12:45

Members of the activist group Extinction Rebellion interrupted Sunday Mass in a Turin church to read Pope Francis' writings, much to the displeasure of the archbishop.

During a mass at a church in Turin, Italy, on Sunday, December 3rd, climate activists from Extinction Rebellion interrupted prayers by reading out Pope Francis' words on peace and the environment. The readings were taken from the encyclical "Laudato si" and the apostolic exhortation "Laudate Deum".

Pope’s words on war vs. reality

During a moment of silence before the sermon, activists from the Extinction Rebellion movement used the opportunity to read excerpts from Pope Francis' words, which called for societal change regarding environmental issues. They also read a letter sent by the Pope to the organisers of the COP28 climate summit.

Extinction Rebellion announced its activities on X. The activists wrote: "This morning, #ExtinctionRebellion briefly interrupted the mass in #Turin Cathedral. During the silence before the sermon, a group read passages from #PopeFrancesco's Laudate Si and Laudate Deum aloud. The Pope's words openly invite the people to demand the necessary change.

"These were the exact words he sent to #COP28 in Dubai to urge governments to stop funding wars and environmental devastation. It has been 30 years of international climate conferences, ruling deniers and non-binding agreements. 30 years, and we are still counting the damage.

"Floods in Emilia and Tuscany, devastating hailstorms in Veneto and Lombardy, heat waves, fires. Accepting the invitation of Pope Francis, Extinction Rebellion today brings the message to the altar of one of Turin's main churches. To break this silence, too. For the future of each of us and those to come."

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Archbishop Roberto Repole did not like the behaviour of Extinction Rebellion. The clergyman commented on the protest in an interview with Corriere Torino.

"I appreciate all those who are committed to the preservation of creation and take up Pope Francis' appeals (...) But I was displeased that they simply took the floor without speaking to me first or asking permission. In this case, I would have told them that we often pray for the integrity of creation during Mass but that the celebration of the Eucharist is not a suitable place for public action," said the archbishop.

Source: Corriere Torino

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