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What music do Romanians listen to? "Trap and manele, bro. What c

What music do Romanians listen to? "Trap and manele, bro. What can I do?". How does music positively impact the brain?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
07.11.2023 20:00

We are cheerful people, and according to a recent study, music accompanies us everywhere - at restaurants, on the street, in parks or even in the car, especially if we have a challenging day.

Psychologists say that the benefits on the brain are numerous. Stress and bad moods can disappear in an instant thanks to music.

Shawarma shop employee: "Music at its best, the customer feels good, we feel good. We feel eager to work; our shawarma shop is doing very well".

The same goes for traffic.

Driver: "We can't do it without music. We're bumper to bumper. That way, time passes more easily; what can we do? Get annoyed?".

On the street, it's almost impossible not to see people with headphones. 91% of those aged between 18 and 24 admit to listening to music daily.

R: What music do you listen to?

Young man: "DNB at the moment. I also listen to rock and classical music. I have nothing against any musical genre".

Young man: "Șatra Benz with Smiley. A collaboration I never thought I would listen to".

Young man: "I mainly listen to trap and manele, bro. That's how I grew up, what can I do?".

According to a recent study, Romanians go crazy for dance, hip-hop and rock, less for jazz and blues.

Preferred music genres among Romanians:

· 40% - dance, hip hop and rock

· 38% - electronic, trap and rap

· 22% - folk, jazz and blues

source: Reveal Marketing Research

Man: "I listen to saxophones, funk and others. Something different from what the rest of the world listens to".

Psychologists confirm that music has a positive impact on the brain. It helps us relax, but also be energetic.

Jeni Chiriac, psychologist: "It can even increase our level of physical energy and concentration. Music can be listened to at any age".

Whether we're talking about the Internet, television or radio, we find music everywhere.

Grigore Lup is 58 years old and listens to music of all genres. Even when working in his shoemaking workshop.

Grigore Lup: "I like to listen to older music. Rock music. Time goes by faster; music relaxes you, particularly considering that my work is on a custom basis, thus stress is a frequent companion. This way, you relax a bit".

A recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research shows that music slows down the brain aging process and is helpful on challenging days.

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