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The cost of school lunches in Warsaw is concerning. How much are they worth in reality?

The cost of school lunches in Warsaw is concerning. How much are they worth in reality?

Image source: © canva
Weronika Paliczka,
12.12.2023 16:00

Warsaw primary schools have varying prices for lunches served to children; not all families can afford such meals. What measures can be taken to ensure all students have access to affordable and nutritious meals?

The cost of school lunches in Warsaw can differ significantly due to various factors. Some schools have their cooks, while others rely on external catering companies. The price parents pay may depend on the supplier and could cover only the cost of ingredients or additional expenses such as water, electricity, kitchen equipment, and meal transportation.

How much does lunch cost in a Warsaw school?

The price for a bowl of soup in primary schools starts at 2.50 PLN. On average, a bowl of soup costs around 5 PLN. However, the cost of a second course is much higher, around 13 PLN for a portion. In some schools, a meal consisting of soup and a second course costs around 14 zlotys. After Gazeta Wyborcza journalists intervened, the capital city authorities issued a decree stating that the cost of a two-course lunch should not exceed 15 PLN. Nevertheless, there are schools where parents pay 7 PLN for the same two-course meal.

School lunches - luxury or obligation?

In Finland, Sweden, and Estonia, schools provide free meals to all students to ensure that no child misses out on a hot lunch due to their parents' income slightly exceeding the upper limit of the allowance.

It's important to note that many children feel ashamed to talk about the problem of hunger at home. For some, the lunch provided at school is the only warm meal of the day, and sometimes, it is the only meal they receive. The statistics on hunger in Poland are alarming: it is estimated that more than 120,000 children come to school every day with empty stomachs. Additionally, over 170,000 children suffer from malnutrition, which affects proper development. For more than 70,000 children, school feeding programs are the only option for them to have a meal during the day.

Unfortunately, there are still no sufficient government programs to combat malnutrition of children and adults. Hunger and poverty are considered taboo topics and are often ignored. It is easier to recognise the symptoms of physical violence than to address the severe effects of malnutrition, which have a tangible impact on children's development. Students who go to school hungry have difficulty concentrating and usually have poor academic performance. Malnutrition also affects the student's mental health, leading to low self-esteem due to poverty and a feeling of being a minority.

Source: Gazeta Wyborcza

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