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Teachers are trying to attract students through social media. Un

Teachers are trying to attract students through social media. Universities posting on TikTok

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
07.11.2023 17:00

In a time when many high school graduates are tempted to continue their education abroad, and university dropout rates become a worrying phenomenon, teachers are trying to attract students through social media.

They are turning into influencers and, with the help of older students, are assisting freshmen, showing them everything that happens in classrooms, dorms or even during exams.

Sabina is now a master's student in Psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University. On her TikTok page, her clips about student life have over ten thousand views. Sabina also talks about the busy periods during exam session.

Sabina Farcaș, student: "I received all kinds of questions about how a class goes, how long it lasts, how the professors are, what materials we use, and this somehow motivated me to continue and share more of what I experienced as a student".

In turn, teachers acknowledge that by using social media, they get closer to those who graduate high school and still don't know what they want to study.

Dorin Spoaller, university professor: "We went where we thought they spend their time, namely on TikTok. The statistics we have from the admission session tell us that there are indeed people who find out about us from TikTok accounts".

The "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Life Sciences in Iași also periodically creates content on the internet.

Tudor is a second-year student who wants to show that those specializing in agriculture will have a future profession.

Tudor Plop, student: "We decided to make a video with the resources around us, featuring a tractor in front of the university. We recorded ourselves, highlighting the advantages of our university and aiming to provide viewers with a unique perspective".

PhD, Prof. Gerard Jitareanu, Rector of the University of Life Sciences Iași: "High school students, potential candidates, have started to show a lot of interest in our university on this channel and the actions we undertake".

The Politechnica University of Timișoara has created a "creative campus" on TikTok.

Alexandru Luca, Director of the University Marketing Department at UPT: "We want to address school dropout by creating a community".

In just six months, the clips from the creative campus have gathered over a million views and over fifty thousand likes.

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