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Smart things we can do in our free time

Smart things we can do in our free time

Image source: © canva / canva
Materiały Prasowe,
29.06.2023 13:33

Many students and Gen Z representatives struggle to find free time, especially if they have exams coming up. Free time is easy to find if you know how to use it. If your exams are pressing and you want to do something fun, yet useful in your free time, here are some ideas.

Read a book

This may not necessarily be an educational book or one that you are studying, but simply a book from the library or from the shelf at home. Reading one chapter a day, you will inevitably gain a lot of knowledge. You might not notice it but your vocabulary and the way you make your sentences will improve. Many studies show that the biggest factor to gain academic success is NOT attending a good school or having college-educated parents, but reading for pleasure.

Watch historical films or documentaries

You may watch some fascinating movie that will benefit your knowledge in some way. For example, watching a historical film is a great idea if you are studying something in this field. Another idea is a documentary that has nothing to do with your education but it will expand your knowledge in another area.

Solve quizzes

It's a very fun activity, and you can find a quiz for almost anything. This is a great opportunity to focus on the topics you struggle with at school but in a fun way. More, there are also many quizzes which are not education-related. Through them you can expand your knowledge on other topics.

TED Talks

This is a great way to learn something unusual, which may be related to your education or not. You can easily find TED Talks on the Internet. The great thing about them is that if you are on the go, you can listen to them again.


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