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Profession from the Future: Cybersecurity Expert

Profession from the Future: Cybersecurity Expert

Image source: © Canva / Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
15.04.2024 08:00

Technology has been excessively involved in our lives and makes many everyday tasks easier for us. In recent years, in the conditions of the pandemic, almost everything started to happen online. It generated a boom in cybercrime and, logically, created a demand for cyber security professionals to keep us and our data safe online.

Gen Z representatives are among the most suitable candidates for cyber experts who can be:

- Security analyst (he/she finds weaknesses, assesses risk, offers solutions to security problems and looks for new ways to improve protection);

- Security engineer (if you have ever been drawn to the glamorous side of forensics, as a security engineer you will use its methods for the purposes of various analyses and you will be a leading figure in the search and implementation of new technologies to improve the security you care for);

- Security architect (in this role you will take part in the development of security systems and you will be part of the entire life cycle - from creation to launching, you will work side by side with other specialists to achieve top results).

The demand for cybersecurity experts is high, there are still not enough specialists. Therefore, IT specialists from other spheres sometimes go to re-qualification trainings. Interest in this profession is expected to grow due to the very good pay and attention from high-tech companies. However, there are also many requirements for specialists - knowledge of object-oriented programming, databases and security of operating systems, you need to know how to stay protected on the Internet and how to provide this protection to others.

Cybersecurity experts often create innovations, train entire departments to improve company security, and in many cases take the lead on breaches and incidents. Therefore, the following skills are required: ability to solve problems, adaptability and flexibility, willingness to develop, leadership skills, reliability and integrity.

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