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One in five couples faces infertility. In half of the cases, the

One in five couples faces infertility. In half of the cases, the issue lies with men

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
10.11.2023 17:19

One in five couples faces infertility, and in half of the cases, specialists say the issue lies with men.


Moreover, the largest European study on sperm quality shows that in the last half-century, the number and quality of sperm produced by men have decreased by a third.

During Fertility Week, European organizations have raised an alarm for the over 25 million people in Europe suffering from infertility, calling for both financial and psychological support from each state.

The Stan couple managed to have a baby, Andreas, through in vitro fertilization only after six years during which doctors conducted investigations and treatments only on the wife.

Mariana Stan: "In the end, we went to a specialist in infertility, and he asked my husband to undergo some tests. He found that there were issues on both sides".

Constantin Stan: "We accepted, but many don't accept that there might be a problem with them".

Mădălina Popescu, gynecologist: "Half of the problems leading to couples' infertility come from the male partner, not the female. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, lack of physical activity negatively influence sperm quality. According to the studies, even the overheating of the testicles".

This overheating occurs, for example, when men sit at a desk or behind the wheel or wear tight underwear.

Andreas Vythoulkas, gynecologist: "Stress, tobacco, alcohol, fast food-like diet degrade sperm".

A recent meta-analysis compared the concentration and quality of European men's sperm over the past 50 years, using samples collected over time and preserved in medical institutes.

A 32.5% decrease in the average percentage of viable sperms compared to 1970 was observed, along with an increase in the number of mutants or dead ones.

Each fertility clinic has such a bank of reproductive cells, where oocytes, sperm, and embryos are stored indefinitely in tanks at -180 degrees Celsius in liquid nitrogen.

If geneticists conclude that one of the partners, with all the genetic engineering, cannot become a biological parent, an accredited international donor bank is used.

From accepting the condition to treatment, the psychological impact is enormous. To withstand societal pressures, psychological support is essential, as emphasized by European institutions.

A fertility procedure costs between 4,000 and 6,000 euros. Due to high demand, the Ministry of Family announced the expansion of the national assisted reproduction program.

Nicole Brunel, NGO president: "The budget for this program will be doubled, allowing 20,000 people to apply for the Ministry of Family's in vitro fertilization program".

This year, 8,000 in vitro fertilizations were funded from the budget. The first babies began to be born in October.

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