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Neighbourhood dispute erupts over smoking on balcony: Resident outraged

Neighbourhood dispute erupts over smoking on balcony: Resident outraged

Image source: © canva
Maja Kozłowska,
10.05.2024 14:30

A discussion on X about smoking cigarettes became a discussion about decency, as an internet user expressed her frustration with her neighbours smoking on the balcony next to her flat.

Smoking in public places in Poland is prohibited, and there are designated areas in restaurants or pubs where it is allowed. Two decades ago, smoking a pipe in a pub or at home was common, but today, most people avoid smoking in their homes due to the smell that lingers on furniture, walls, and curtains, not to mention the health hazards. Instead, many people opt for electronic cigarettes, which are odourless and can be used indoors.

Smokers don't have many options if they want to smoke a traditional cigarette; they have to go outside. Smoking on a balcony is legal in Poland, but littering by throwing cigarette butts or ash outside one's premises is prohibited. However, smoking bans can be regulated by local laws, such as the internal rules of a housing association.

A recent scandal broke out when an internet user complained about her neighbour smoking on the balcony. She could not open her window due to the strong odour of smoke entering her flat.

X user complaining about cigarette smoke entering her flat
X user complaining about cigarette smoke entering her flat (X)

Is it ok to smoke on a balcony? Internet users disagree

The post above has gone viral, but opinions among commentators are divided. Some agree with the girl's complaint about a smoker on a balcony, while others defend the smoker's right to smoke on their property.

One commenter, Livy, wrote, "Sorry, but that's nitpicking - the balcony is an okay place to smoke!" This comment received over 2,000 likes. Another commenter, Olka, said, "Kids in a block of flats - bad, young people - bad, old people - bad, parties - bad, smokers - bad... Go live in a bungalow or at least learn to talk to your neighbours normally and politely say what bothers you." Martyna advised the girl to delete the post, saying, "You're making yourself ridiculous."

However, there were also many dissenting voices. Swan wrote, "It annoys me terribly, too. On top of that, my neighbour always smokes in such a place that the smoke comes through the open window into my flat." Pirożek commented offensively, "Smoke at home, you stinker." Another internet user sarcastically wrote, "The smoker goes out on the balcony so that he doesn't stink up the house, but the smoke enters my flat and smells horrible. How thoughtful." Karpaczek wrote, "I expected comments like this. Screw egoistic smokers."

The question remains: Should smoking on the balcony be banned, or is it the right of the balcony owner to do what they please on their own property?

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