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MPs announce amendments to the law regarding animal rights

MPs announce amendments to the law regarding animal rights

Image source: © canva
Weronika Paliczka,
22.05.2024 16:00

The celebration of Animal Rights Day is the perfect opportunity to discuss the legal situation of animals in Poland. Members of Parliament and representatives of pro-animal organisations have proposed amendments to the law that protect the interests of pets and other animals. What will be included in the revised document?

The legal situation for animals in Poland is far from perfect. In many places, especially in small towns or villages, dogs are still chained. Their health and quality of life are often neglected, as they are primarily used for guarding possessions. Despite efforts from volunteers and animal activists, the situation has not improved significantly. It's not just dogs that are affected; all animals need better legal protection. However, there are signs that their situation may soon change.

Lukasz Litewka fights for animal rights

Lukasz Litewka, a member of parliament for the Left, announced on Facebook the proposed amendments to the Animal Rights Act that was submitted to the Sejm. Since the beginning of his term, the politician has expressed his commitment to animal welfare. One of his initiatives includes advocating for the ban on horse-drawn carriages at the Morskie Oko Lake.

Litewka highlighted the key points of the proposed amendments, which resulted from a collaboration between MPs and non-governmental organisations specialising in animal protection and rights.

What does the revised document entail?

There will indeed be several changes. Below, we present the most important provisions of the new version of the act.

Animal Welfare Provisions:

  • Ban on Chains and Permanent Tethering: This outdated practice, still present in Poland, will be prohibited, aligning with standards in other European countries.
  • Compulsory Pet Marking (Chipping): A Central Register and state database will be created to ensure all pets are marked.
  • Mandatory Castration and Sterilisation: Non-breeding animals must undergo castration and sterilisation.
  • Ban on Loud Fireworks: Only silent fireworks, specifically those in the F1 category, will be permitted.
  • Increased Penalties for Animal Abuse and Killing: Offenders could face up to 5 years in prison for abuse and up to 8 years for killing animals.

Regulation of Breeding:

  • Establishment of a Breeding Register: This register will be supervised by the Veterinary Inspectorate.
  • Breeding Restrictions: Breeding activities will be more tightly regulated.
  • Definition of Welfare Conditions: Clear standards for welfare conditions in breeding farms will be set.
  • Requirement to Register Associations: Breeding associations must register with the National Court Register.
  • Ban on Online Pet Sales: The sale of pets via auctions and online sales portals will be prohibited.

Changes in Shelter Management and Supervision:

  • Creation of a State Shelter Information System: A new system will be established for better oversight.
  • Revised Financing Methods: Changes will prevent shelters from generating excessive profits.
  • Municipal Oversight: Municipalities will be required to closely monitor the allocation and use of funds.
  • Additional Shelter Obligations: Shelters will face new requirements for reporting, staffing, and maintaining living conditions.

Amendments to Section 6 of the Act (Grounds for Abuse):

  • Ban on Electric Collars and Spikes: The use of these devices will be prohibited.
  • Restrictions on Animal Confinement: Specific limitations on leaving animals in confinement.
  • Mandatory Treatment Provision: Failure to provide necessary treatment will be addressed.
  • Ban on Retail Sale of Live Fish: The retail sale of live fish will be prohibited, except for aquarium fish.
  • Ban on Harmful Building Spikes: Prohibition of fitting metal spikes on buildings that injure birds.
  • Ban on Sending Live Animals by Post or Express Delivery Services: This practice will be forbidden.
  • Prohibition on Certain Pet Products: The manufacture and sale of products such as dog lard and cat skins will be banned.
  • Ban on Pet Seizure by Bailiffs: Bailiffs will be prohibited from seizing pets.
  • Ban on Begging with Animals: Using animals for begging will be prohibited.
  • Ban on Displaying Mutilated Dogs: Displaying dogs with docked tails or cropped ears will be prohibited.
  • Clarification of Municipal Obligations: Municipalities will be required to conduct shelter inspections and continue caring for homeless animals, regardless of funding limitations.
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