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Fentanyl crisis grips Poland as patients pressure for prescriptions, expert warns

Fentanyl crisis grips Poland as patients pressure for prescriptions, expert warns

Image source: © canva
Maja Kozłowska,
17.05.2024 10:15

Fentanyl, following the crisis it caused in the USA, has now made its way to Poland. Experts are raising the alarm and warning of the deadly consequences of using the opioid.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid and a potent painkiller commonly used to alleviate severe pain. Additionally, it stimulates the production of serotonin. However, the drug has somehow ‘escaped’ from hospitals and found its way onto the streets as a narcotic.

The United States has long been grappling with a crisis stemming from widespread fentanyl addiction. It requires only a small amount to become addicted, and the consequences are alarming. Witnesses describe scenes akin to a ‘zombie apocalypse,’ where individuals, after consuming the drug, become stupefied and barely mobile, resembling shadows of their former selves. Fentanyl is inexpensive and more potent than both morphine and heroin, leading to a dangerous trend of its being used to adulterate other drugs. Consequently, people can become addicted without their knowledge.

While the plague of ‘zombies’ has not yet reached Poland, this does not mean the country is free from fentanyl-related issues. In an interview with tokfm.pl, Dr Anna Łotowska-Ćwiklewska from a pain treatment clinic in Białystok warns that using fentanyl is akin to ‘playing Russian roulette.’

Fentanyl victims in Poland: Overdose equals instant death?

Żuromin, a small town in the Mazowieckie region with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, has recently come under scrutiny. TVN24 has reported that as many as five people have died there due to fentanyl overdoses. While there are reportedly two dealers involved, no charges have yet been brought by the authorities. Residents note that the issue is considered taboo and that individuals from a wide range of social groups are using the drug.

The second high-profile case involving fentanyl occurred at the Stefan Żeromski Specialist Hospital in Krakow. According to TVN24, a doctor allegedly conducted appointments with patients who were prescribed intravenous opioid painkillers. Strangely, the hospital director punished the paramedics who reported the doctor's improper behaviour of staging fake appointments.

Experts warn that in cases of fentanyl overdose, victims often cannot be saved. An incorrectly measured dose can cause the body to 'forget' to breathe, leading to rapid suffocation.

"When I refuse to issue a prescription, people become aggressive"

Dr Anna Łotowska-Ćwiklewska from a pain treatment clinic in Białystok, in an interview with Anna Kiedrzynek from tokfm.pl, disclosed that some patients attempt to coerce her into prescribing fentanyl.

"They often recount stories that seem highly suspicious. For instance: 'I was once ill and in severe pain, received an opioid prescription, and now I still need it because the pain persists.' Or someone might claim, 'I used to be an addict, but now I’m gradually coming off these drugs and need a prescription because my doctor has left.' When I refuse to issue a prescription, I sometimes face aggressive reactions, including shouting and insults. However, I haven’t noticed an increase in this phenomenon in recent years," states Dr Łotowska-Ćwiklewska.

The doctor emphasises that this issue extends beyond fentanyl to many other drugs in the opioid category. The practice of extortion has been occurring for years. She adds that in Poland, doctors are very cautious about prescribing fentanyl due to the risk of addiction. Dr Łotowska-Ćwiklewska explains that the method of administration and dosage are crucial in the misuse of fentanyl. Measuring the correct dosage independently is difficult, mainly due to various impurities in the material. Furthermore, the method of administration poses problems: patients, such as those in oncology wards, typically use fentanyl in patch form, whereas thrill-seekers most often inject it intravenously.

Treating fentanyl addiction is complex. The expert encourages individuals to seek professional help in hospitals, centres, or addiction treatment facilities.

Source: tokfm.pl

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