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Blood vessels constrict from just one cigarette

Blood vessels constrict from just one cigarette. How does it affect the immune system?

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
25.08.2023 18:04

Cigarette smoke constricts blood vessels. Once altered, they do not allow the immune system to do its job. We see this phenomenon clearly in the oral cavity. This is how teeth are actually lost.

Each newly smoked cigarette brings nicotine, which causes all blood vessels to narrow. Immediately, blood pressure increases. In other words, you will have hypertension.

Dr. Magdalena Ciobanu, a specialist in pulmonology: "You've inhaled smoke from the cigarette, blood vessels have constricted, pressure has increased in them, and with every cigarette smoke, there is a risk of a vessel bursting. This is without any exaggeration, with every puff a person inhales from the cigarette".

Nicotine produces a feeling of well-being in the brain. And you don't feel that your blood pressure has risen alarmingly.

Small blood vessels, as found in the oral cavity, also narrow.

Smoking destroys the local defense system. The increased level of carbon dioxide in the smoke allows the development of aggressive bacterial species.

Once they settle on teeth, bacteria start to communicate chemically. They form the so-called biofilm, or bacterial plaque. It attacks all tooth tissues. This is how teeth are lost.

A lost tooth can benefit from a so-called dental bridge. But...

Dr. Anca Rusu, a dentist: "The bone that no longer has any stimulation atrophies, decreases in volume, the gums change, and the patient experiences discomfort while chewing. Another disadvantage of dental bridges is that cavities can develop underneath, and patients do not notice this. The fact that it doesn't hurt means they don't present themselves at the dental clinic".

Normal stimuli during chewing, the correct situation for the entire oral cavity - this is where dental implants come in. Thus, the bone in which teeth or implants are present maintains its normal volume.

Dr. Anca Rusu, a dentist: "It would be very good not to exceed the term of six months from tooth extraction to implant insertion because it's a natural process. The bone atrophies and decreases in volume when we don't insert a dental implant".

Unfortunately, smoking hinders normal healing after any intervention in the oral cavity.

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