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30 Theories What Happens after We Die

30 Theories What Happens after We Die

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19.03.2024 16:00

What happens after we die? This is a question that crosses the mind of not only Gen Z, but all people.

There are many theories, stories and ideas, so far,we have collected as many as 30 of them:

1. Simulation theory – do we live in a programmed world? What if it is all a simulation?

2. Rastafarians believe that life is eternal and only the unrighteous truly die.

3. The theory of infinite life - it states that we are reborn with no memories of our previous cycle on Earth.

4. The cosmos theory – it claims that our consciousness actually belongs to the Cosmos, not our physical body, and returns there after we die.

5. Buddhists also believe in reincarnation, but according to them there are different forms a person can be reborn in - be it a god, demigod, human, animal or spirit.

6. Parallel universe – the theory has been covered in many movies and books over the years. According to it, after death we are reborn in another time and place.

7. The theory of sleep. Could everything experienced be just a dream? At least that is what this idea claims. Death simply leads to awakening according to it.

8. The Aztecs believed that the manner of our death determined which path we would take next.

9. Plato believed that the physical body limited us. According to him, death gave the soul a chance to find its true purpose.

10. The theory of nothingness. As you can guess, it claims a big dark nothingness after life. Not a very good thought, is it?

11. Mormons believe that they are reincarnated as gods.

12. The Egyptian pharaohs believed that death was not forever and that was why mummification existed - to preserve the body.

13. The theory of uncertainty. It is quite literal and claims that the only certain thing is what happens to our physical body when we die, the rest has a big question mark.

14. The paranormal theory states that after death our souls remain on earth among the living. It is the backbone of most horror films and according to it communication with spirits is possible.

15. Hinduism also believes in reincarnation, with our status or form in next life being determined by our actions in the present.

16. The egocentric theory. It claims that the universe begins and ends with you. The world literally revolves around you, huh?

17. The "Stranger Things" theory. Yes, that is right, it comes from the hit series and like in it, after we die we go to another dimension where we are neither alive nor dead.

18. Freezing - according to some people, if you freeze, you can preserve your body and mind. Well, it might be a little cold…

19. Solipsism believes that nothing outside of our own consciousness exists. With our death, the world also dies.

20. The separation theory holds that the universe is a giant brain inside the human body, and individuals are just cells. When a cell dies in the human body, it is discarded, so maybe that's what happens to humans eventually.

21. Christians believe in both heaven and hell. If a person is good and righteous, he/she will enter the utopia that is Paradise. If they had a life of sin and wrongdoing, they will end up in Hell.

22. Nihilism believes that all values ​​are meaningless and baseless. Taking that into account, a truly nihilistic way of approaching death and the afterlife is that there is nothing afterwards.

23. 'Beetlejuice' - the 1988 film revolves around a recently deceased couple who are haunted by their old home and its new owners. The only way you can be freed from this middle dimension is if an iconoclast exorcist frees you.

24. The pessimist's theory - more like ignoring this question since we're already dead inside, right?

25. The many worlds theory holds that when we die, we die only in this one, present universe. There are other universes to move on to.

26. Illusion theory claims that the world is created more in our minds than in a literal sense, meaning that everything is an illusion.

27. Another theory born from the cinema is from the series "The Good Place", which follows the main characters who are accidentally released into Paradise.

28. What if our life is only the first level, like in a game? This theory states that when we die, we live on, but in a different form.

29. The theory of the tree of life - this is the idea that the body can be buried with a pod of a tree and so you become exactly one of them - proud and age-old.

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