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Do You Socialize with Misogynist? Learn about It from Us

Do You Socialize with Misogynist? Learn about It from Us

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Materiały Prasowe,
09.05.2024 20:00

Misogynistic attitudes ignore women and are sometimes not very easy to spot. Misogynists do not accept the fairer sex as normal individuals, but see them as objects that can be used and tossed lightly into a corner.

Fortunately, not all men are misogynists. Most respect women and treat them with due respect. However, there will always be those who misbehave with the fairer sex, and therefore effectively identifying them is crucial in dating.

Attention Gen Z: Seven signs you are dating a misogynistic man:

1. He does not see you as a complete person - you need to date men who see you as a complete person. This applies to both personal interactions and social media.

2. He comments on the appearance of others - comments about women's looks, shapes and attractiveness can indicate misogynistic views. This is easy to spot when the comments are negative.

3. He shares his opinion about how you look - try to seek opinions about your appearance from men who appreciate you. every girl has asked a friend what he thinks about her looks. Especially for adolescents and young adults, peer opinions define inner identity thus making young women more vulnerable to misogyny, because they naturally want to be perceived as beautiful and desirable.

4. He uses alcohol or drugs - early dates in a relationship should be limited to sober dates. Alcohol and drugs break restraints and allow more impulsiveness. In such an environment you have to be sure that you are with people you know well and value you as a person.

5. He tries to shut you up when you speak - respect and value yourself so others will respect and value you. Speak your mind, take a stand against misogyny. You shouldn't show weakness and be vulnerable with people you cannot trust.

6. He doesn't respect your feelings or anxiety - if you start to feel uncomfortable at any point during a date, do not hesitate to end it.

7. He thinks you don't have the confidence - remember a thing: Always be confident. People who are alert to their surroundings and are confident are less likely to become victims.

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