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Anonymous questionnaires in schools about the danger of narcotics. "She was very thin, tired, stuttering"

Anonymous questionnaires in schools about the danger of narcotics. "She was very thin, tired, stuttering"

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
26.09.2023 13:39

Although tentatively so far, teachers and students are initiating in-depth conversations about the deadly danger posed by narcotics.

In some schools, teenagers have meetings with former addicts and are asked to complete anonymous questionnaires in which they can honestly state whether they have tried certain drugs or have friends who are consumers. In each school unit, there should also be a committee to identify children at risk, and one day of the week "Doing School Differently" will be dedicated to prevention.

Student: "She was very thin, tired, couldn't have a normal conversation and she was stuttering. I know she's still a dealer. She doesn't bring it to school or anything... I'm absolutely convinced that if you look for it and you're a consumer, you can find it anywhere, and drugs find you".

For years, high school students have known who and where they use drugs. However, it is only now that some are finding out where drugs can lead.

The "Gheorghe Lazăr" High School in Bucharest has confronted adolescents with young people who have resorted to selling drugs and medication to support their addiction.

Irina de Hillerin, counselor professor: "Drug consumers who are also prisoners were brought in, were able to share their story, how from curiosity, stupidity, a coincidence, they became addicted and ended up committing crimes because they didn't know who they were".

Anti-drug police officers also brought VR glasses that made them see what a consumer behaves while in withdrawal. The "Kretzulescu" Economic College has already began distributing an anonymous questionnaire to identify potential students in the school who might be at risk, have questionable entourage or are already struggling with addiction.

How to recognize a drug user

In adolescents, the symptoms of substance use are very diverse: red, glassy eyes, dilated pupils, hand tremors, irritability or, on the contrary, daytime sleepiness and insomnia, nights in a row. In a short time, there is a lack of concentration and academic performance declines. The young person is failing at school, distancing themselves from family and friends. According to the National Institutes of Health in the United States, the best chance of identifying the problem is classmates and teachers.

Here is the case of a ninth-grader.

Marius Morar, a member of the anti-drug committee: "At another high school where I was a class teacher, I was informed by the student's classmates that he was using. I contacted the parents. At first, they didn't believe it. Parents are the ones who have to decide whether he should be tested or not".

In the meantime, in some schools, teacher committees have already emerged to identify the troubled young man.

Mirela Nicoleta Dinescu, director of a college: "Seven people from different disciplines. We have a set of information that our young people will hopefully understand as they should".

Drug testing will only be done with the consent of the parents or the student if they are of legal age.

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