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School inspections are underway. "Inquiring about the sex offender register"

School inspections are underway. "Inquiring about the sex offender register"

Image source: © East News
Konrad SiwikKonrad Siwik,19.06.2023 16:00

The inspections announced by the Children's Ombudsman have begun in the schools that appeared in the LGBTQ+ Friendly School Ranking. The main question asked is particularly indecent, as it concerns sex offenders.

And so it begun! Children's Ombudsman Mikołaj Pawlak has carried out inspections (which he announced at the end of May) in some schools featured LGBTQ+ Friendly School Ranking. According to the findings of the initiators of the ranking, several inspections took place in Warsaw schools, among others.

"Ombudsman’s inspections of LGBTQ+ community-friendly schools have begun. Our findings show that schools at the top of the ranking have been asked about whether teaching staff of inspected schools appear on the sex offender register", Dominik Kuc told us.

Children's Ombudsman inquires about sex offender register

The creators of the ranking, led by activist Dominik Kuc, note that Pawlak and his messengers at the crusade are asking a particularly shameful question putting LGBTQ+ people on a par with sex offenders.

"The Ombudsman does not check whether pupils' rights are respected at school, whether young people feel accepted. He asks about the sex offender register - it is the responsibility of educational institutions to check those working on the register. Schools' equality measures have nothing to do with this," we can read on the Facebook Page of the LGBTQ+ Friendly Schools Ranking.

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"We are very concerned about linking equality measures to the subject of sex offenders. It is the duty of all schools in Poland to check the teaching staff - those at the top of the LGBTQ+ Friendly Schools Ranking and those at the bottom, those at the top of the Perspectives Ranking and those at the bottom," comments Kuc on the inspections.

Counteracting violence at school

The activist notes that linking LGBTQ+ friendly schools to the sex offender register is a political ploy. He also suggests that the Children's Ombudsman should address real problems, such as, for example, violence in schools.

The Ombudsman's linking of these two issues is a cynical, political stigmatisation, while the measures against school violence, for example, should be checked," the initiator of the ranking concludes.

"A system to counter violence is necessary and the Ombudsman should support its introduction. We do not stop working and that is why we are proposing further solutions, among others, in the Warsaw Civic Budget. The citywide projects numbered 1242 and 1286 deal with counteracting violence and protecting the mental health of the youngest" - was announced in a statement from LGBTQ+ Friendly School Ranking creators.

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