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Pope Francis claims that Benedict supported him regarding the rights of LGBT couples. Testimonies of the Sovereign Pontiff

Pope Francis claims that Benedict supported him regarding the rights of LGBT couples. Testimonies of the Sovereign Pontiff

Image source: © Wikipedia / Wikipedia
Materiały Prasowe,
03.04.2024 15:30

Pope Francis finds an ally in his predecessor, Benedict XVI, when it comes to speaking in favor of civil partnerships for same-sex couples.

The Sovereign Pontiff confirmed in a new book published on April 2nd in Spain the Catholic Church's opposition to LGBT marriages, but repeatedly stated that same-sex couples also have the right to be protected by civil union laws.

A greater openness towards the LGBT community has been one of the hallmarks of his 11-year papacy, but Benedict, more conservative, was not known as sympathetic to the cause.

Nevertheless, Pope Francis stated that Benedict supported him in front of a group of cardinals who had come to complain about the "heresies" of the pope regarding civil partnerships.

"They came to him to practically sue me and accuse me in front of him of supporting marriage between people of the same sex", said Pope Francis.

Benedict XVI listened, "helped them to distinguish things" and told them that what Pope Francis said was "no heresy", the Pope confessed.

Pope Francis made the revelation in the book written in Spanish "Pope Francis. The Successor: My Memories of Benedict XVI", a book based on interviews with journalist Javier Martinez-Brocal, according to Agerpres. 

As early as February 2023, the Pope said that Benedict dismissed a complaint about what Pope Francis said about civil unions, but offered fewer details.

In December, Pope Francis allowed priests to bless same-sex couples, sparking outrage among conservatives. He insisted that this does not equate to an official approval of non-heterosexual relationships.

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